AI Game (Blog 9)

Team Members:

  • Midori Davis – Visual and Concept Designer
  • Manuel Sanches – Coder, Designer/Developer
  • Amy Bennett – Coder, Designer/Developer

Game Type:  Puzzle

Genre: Mystery/Survival

Game Overview:

The game opens on a hallway with four doors facing the player. Each door will open once clicked, however, items must be collected from rooms in the proper order to advance. Collected items appear in the Inventory Panel.

The setting is an abandoned hotel with peeling wallpaper and ominous decay throughout. The player is trapped and must figure out how to escape. 

The first hotel room contains a crumpled note among a few useless clickable items, which informs the player the objective is to escape. 

Next, the player must enter the bathroom to find a hidden key. Once the key is obtained, the player exits the hallway and finds the room with the locked tool box within.

In the third room, the player will use the key to unlock the tool box. Upon opening, a crow bar is obtained and placed into the Inventory. 

In the final room, the player must use the crowbar to smash the window and escape to freedom.

Alternatively, if the rusty knife is chosen, the player’s game is over and they must begin again.

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