Blog Post: How I will use Generative AI in the entertainment industry

Since there may be some truth to most companies using AI, I may have to utilize AI if I want my business to survive in this problematic economic model we are forced to live under. If I had to use AI, I would use it for game design. That seems to be one of the least harmful ways of utilizing AI. I have picked up game design again by learning Unreal Engine 5 recently and after learning I can code in HTML5 using Chat GPT, I have realized it can do C## too! This will help me get farther in my gaming aspirations quickly. It will be less vital for me to hire other people and instead be able to have more agency and power over my projects without being forced to hire people I may not be able to afford. I would use AI to be able to code for me and then once I complete a project, I would get attention using Kickstarter. I don’t plan on publishing on console so I will go to Steam and pay a $100 fee to publish on their distribution platform.

I can use AI to make text outlines acting as plan so that it can provide me with a clearer picture of how I plan to pursue this project. I need an outline so I can focus on what I will need to complete. If I have any questions, Chat GPT will come to me like it would a person but be able to answer most questions I would need to ask to fulfill my projects.

If my business got hired to specialize in remakes, that is one way I can stand out. I am very passionate about bringing games back using modern technology. There are games like Half-Life, Resident Evil and Halo that got remasters or remakes because they are timeless classics. For better or for worse, I can take advantage of the love certain old games have and refresh it. Not by changing it but expanding it by adding more skins, weapons, maps and/or game modes. I would also have an option to toggle the new stuff off. Freedom of choice will bring in new and old players that satisfy as many people as possible without turning anyone off from feeling the game being too generic. Player configuration is part of what will make my business unique. Since my business will likely stay small, I will not require the games to be sold at the standard $60 but more likely $5-10 and take advantage of steam sales.

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