Blog post 4/5

My final project will be a graphic novel which tells a story occurring in my own unique world. I have gotten really interested in using the generative storytelling and image creation together, to create a highly detailed and visual representation of my ideas. In a side project, which was inspired by this class, I began recreating a world and story from my childhood. Bringing a character and story back to life, based off my childhood imagination, is something I never thought I would get a chance to do, and its been really exciting. The biggest challenge I will face during this project is keeping all the content under a similar theme and style, which takes me to my research essay.

For my paper, I want to dive into how you can express a consistent theme. Ai seems to have the most trouble with keeping things consistent, unless it is given an extremely strict guideline to follow. I want to see how far I can stretch one consistent theme, and to figure out the best methods for maintaining consistency. This isn’t only for images either. I would like to explore the best ways to maintain consistent themes across multiple content types, as well as how to keep consistency when using multiple methods simultaneously.

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