Group AI Game

You will each submit your own version of the group game to the server and share in a blog post along with a short statement about what your contributed was to the collaboration.


Statement of Collaboration:
I was sick for the day of team assignments and therefore had my first meetup with the group during the next class. This resulted in missing the initial brainstorming, project idea, and coding that was produced.
However, I still feel like I was able to have a significant contribution to this project as outlined below.

  • Collaborated and suggested improvements to the project that would give me useful material to contribute.
  • Created audio samples and edited samples found online.
  • Implemented the audio into existing code.
  • Modified and adjusted images in Adobe Photoshop to better fit our needs.
  • Implemented imagery into existing code.
  • Scheduled online meet-ups and assisted in development of late stages of coding including a start screen and other basic functionality.

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