In class workshop: Project plan

AI Enhanced Visions

Project Summary

 This project aims to help people harness the capabilities of AI to create a series of animated graphic designs. The primary goal is to use this technology for self-expression and to showcase how AI can serve as a powerful tool in enhancing the creative process. By integrating AI with traditional design tools like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Premiere, I intend to explore new creative frontiers. This project will not only boost my understanding of AI’s potential in design but also serve as an educational resource for others interested in similar explorations.

Needs Assessment

A person’s  proficiency with design software should be able to form a solid foundation for this project. However, to fully leverage AI’s capabilities, one may need to deepen their knowledge of advanced functions and features within these tools. Additionally, while the current plan is to use ChatGPT for text-based AI tasks, one should also research alternative AI tools that could offer enhanced or different capabilities, ensuring a broad toolkit to address various design challenges.

Skills and Technology Overview

Effective use of AI in graphic design requires precise communication—being able to clearly articulate creative ideas and technical needs to the AI. While one may manage to generate some promising material, enhancing your ability to formulate and refine prompts will be crucial for achieving high-quality outcomes. Mastery over both the AI and design software is essential for this.

Learning and Development Plan

To elevate the quality of the project, you will need to engage in online courses focusing on advanced AI applications in graphic design and the effective use of Adobe tools. These resources will be vital in refining your skills and ensuring you can fully exploit the integrative capabilities of AI and graphic design software. Budgeting for subscriptions or course fees will be an integral part of this learning phase.

Application and Impact

Improving your skills in AI and graphic design will not only benefit your personal creative projects but also prepare you to contribute more significantly in professional settings. By documenting and sharing your project process and results, you will inspire others to explore and integrate AI into their creative practices, thus fostering a community of innovatively inclined designers.

Project Timeline

  • week 1-2: Research and enroll in relevant courses; begin basic experiments with AI tools.
  • week 3-4: Apply learned skills to create initial designs; receive feedback and refine techniques.
  • week 5-6: Finalize project designs and prepare presentations/documentation for sharing outcomes.


The budget includes monthly subscriptions for Adobe programs at approximately $32 and AI tools costing around $21 per month. Offering a tiered budget plan can accommodate varying levels of access among students, enabling more inclusive participation.

Evaluation and Reflection

The project’s success will be evaluated against specific milestones such as the completion of training modules, the quality and creativity of generated designs, and the effectiveness of the final presentation. You should plan to maintain a reflective journal throughout the project to document challenges, solutions, and personal growth experienced during the project.

This structured approach will ensure that the project is both educational and practical, providing a comprehensive exploration of AI’s role in enhancing graphic design.

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