Multimodal Reflective

Final project will be an interactive informative webpage to help younger audiences better understand programming concepts. It will be a page divided into 2 like a book, with the left side being a spellbook page or scroll that shows a magical spell. When you run the mouse over this image you are able to ‘see’ through the spell into C# code that does the same thing. The right side of the page will have further explanations of what is going on in the spellcode and may have links to further reading or documentation.

The essay will be about the difficulties of getting ChatGPT to do what I want, and not what it THINKS I want. One of my first issues was trying to clear up a misunderstanding about two images being on top of eachother, AI thought I wanted them stacked one and then the other below it like scrolling down a page. However I wanted them to be stacked on top of eachother overlapping, one entirely obscuring the other. It took the better part of an hour to figure out how to explain what I needed after figuring out where the disconnect was in our communication.

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