AI and Coding

Blog Prompt: Create a Chat in ChatGPT and describe a basic website. Give some sense of the layout, colors and typography. Ask that the response be coded in HTML5 and CSS as one HTML page. Download the file and open it in a browser.

Input: Create a website in HTML5 and CSS as one HTML page. This website should have a title at the top, in very, very big font. Below the title, there should be a navigation bar with three links on it. The main color of the background should be a pale beige, the navigation bar should be dark brown, and accents should be caramel. The primary text color should be dark brown, while the text in the navigation bar should be pale beige. The display font should be Syncopate, and the body font should be Sedan.

After reading the articles above and performing the coding exercise, share your thoughts about what this all means for the future of coding. What does AI mean for software, game, app and web development?

ChatGPT produced code that is exactly what I described in my prompt. Although my instructions were quite simple, this level of accuracy shows a lot of promise for AI’s coding capabilities in the future. I am not by any means a good programmer, but ChatGPT has lowered the barrier for entry for people who want to build websites by a lot. I’m sure people who code websites for a living have concerns, as AI can do quite a bit of what they have been doing, but their expertise is still very valuable and necessary—I imagine that for very advanced and complicated websites and coding projects, you still need that expertise to understand exactly you are trying to get an AI to generate. That understanding will be crucial in coming up with the words that best describe the desired output in a way that ChatGPT will understand.

What are your concerns about the profession and what do you see are the opportunities? How might this affect your own future plans?

From what I have observed, AI, by all metrics, will be a huge boost of productivity for software, games, apps, and web development. It will certainly be a disruptor in these fields as it has for many other industries, so it is very important for people currently in these fields to learn how to use it effectively to support their work, rather than replacing it entirely. Even a coding novice like me can build a good website with ChatGPT. I previously thought that I could never be a programmer because it is a significant weakness of mine—but now, I see potential for ChatGPT to help me build a website for my father’s business—he built his current website in Dreamweaver, over 10 years ago. To say the least, an attractive website that is easy to navigate will do wonders as a marketing opportunity for his business.

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