Blog: AI and Coding

I think as of right now it’s best to learn coding on your own to understand what the terms mean and get familiar with what terms do to code. But I do think AI in coding can definitely be a good resource to have on hand once you understand what the terms are. 

I took a coding class a year ago and have not touched coding since then but I do remember how the exercises I did in class helped me in understanding what each term did to the code. I think utilizing AI if you understand the coding language could be beneficial but I do see how AI can be lacking in the way you want to be creative in coding as the technical language can be a little complicated (at least for what I experienced with chat gpt). I think AI would be the most beneficial for generating simple stuff for beginners but can be a bit too much once you try to do complicated code as perhaps the code has different layers to how it makes it work. As for concerns of professions I do think there would be some potential job cuts as AI advances but for now I think coding still needs human touch and oversight. The way code is formatted is very structured to reflect a human’s way of thinking and creating complicated projects could confuse AI and complicate things as a user, especially if you don’t understand where to place what in the code. 

I think if you are going into coding because of your profession it will be best to learn coding for yourself rather than just relying on AI. I see coding as something that you really have to learn from scratch (AI guidance is good), but in order to produce projects that have more advanced and complicated web development that are satisfactory rather than just general in terms of AI. 

AI as a beginner is a great way to create fun projects as you learn and have an assistant that can guide you through reasoning behind mistakes and your learning. As for the relying on just AI to code I think it’s not the right path as learning on your own will be the most beneficial on the long run as you will develop strong coding skills to go further into creative projects. 

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