Ethereal a fictional world (writing 3)

Era & Setting

Ethereal is an old world that has existed for several years at the moment in the year 3200. This planet has three moons and a sun which appear amongst the clouds and star filled sky. The landscape is covered in mountains with forests and trees as far as the eye can see and has rivers and waterfalls scattered around. The trees have all sorts of colors as well as the plants and even the water.


Ethereal is cool at night and warm during the day the sun shines during the day and the moonlight illuminates at night. In this world half the day is night time and the other is daytime.  The climate on this planet is similar to earths with rain and wind but it doesn’t snow or hail. The civilizations on this planet are similar to floating like islands that interconnect but people do explore beyond the islands.

Food & Culture

The culture of Ethereal emphasizes the celebration of enjoying life, people here live very content lives. This society highly values their resources and for special events, grand festivals are held in celebration of the sky and its gifts. Dancing and the making of art are highly valued by all. The food here is similar to earth food but made with exotic ingredients of all colors.


The economy on Ethereal is nonmonetary, they have adapted a service based system. One in which people or their AI assistants will do you some type of favor in exchange for goods, this system reflects trust. Some resources are provided by the planet, others use AI to produce.


There isn’t a fixed religion that people are devoted to, however to the people the sky is very important to them. They believe that their planet was born from when the stars and the moon met. They believe that it is thanks to the moon and the stars that they have prosperity, resources, and life. As for their education people are taught all sorts of life skills and have a general education about how their world works and AI assistance. 


Although Ethereal has a substantial amount of nature in it they also are highly advanced when it comes to technology. While their architecture is classically designed they have AI technology that helps them solve any problems within their islands such as infrastructure. Each individual on the island has a companion (a personalized AI) that helps them with daily tasks and looks out for them. Apart from this AI is also used for security purposes and used in science to help improve society and grow agriculture.


What sets this world apart is the advancement of this society despite keeping a traditional look to the structure of everything. AI in this world is not just a tool but seen even as a companion or caretaker that assists people further. This planet is celestial like with its rich culture and uncommon forms of governing truly a utopia.

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