Ideas for fictional world (blog 4)

Before making fictional world

I think that creating a fictional world is much more difficult that people may imagine because there are so many aspects to think of. I definitely think that I would get some type of inspiration from media like books and media but I would also incorporate my personal taste. I think that the world I would create would reflect sort of a fantasy land that I would like to live in or just spend my time imagining. The easier part of doing something like this I think would be imagining what the fictional world looks like, at least for me because I have a vivid imagination. But when it comes to the technicalities think I would have more difficulty. 

As far as steps I think that I would start by just having concepts, perhaps certain aesthetics or parts of historical societies. From here I would create a very basic outline for what the worlds would be like in terms of looks and maybe the terrain. Eventually I think I would get to pick one but figuring out the religion and economy would definitely be a challenge for me. When It comes to things like that I would most likely need the AI to give me ideas whether it’s based on something real or completely fictional. I’d likely combine concepts as I go as well to suit my tastes best. 

After making fictional world/in the process

As I was developing my fictional world I had to main concepts that I really liked. One was a super advanced city like world that is technological and is more cyberpunk like. With modern designs I was very inspired by Tron or Ready player one. On the other hand I am someone who appreciates art and is very into mythology. I was thinking about making it an olympus like world where gods from different mythologies coexisted but where it got complicated was including AI and having a belief system. So I decided to make a blend of these two ideas but changed a few aspects about both. I kept the classical looking world and architecture that was inspired by mythologies and art but added modern touches to it with AI and technology.

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