Symphonies of the Wild: A Fusion of Nature and Music 

This process got more difficult as it went on, strangely. My original thought was to combine animals with instruments, as if people had augmented their anatomy to create beautiful music. The first few images were amazing, and exactly what I wanted.

Then it got tricky.

The rendering style of some of the images were more photo-realistic in a really elementary way. It looked like a 5 year old photobashed images of instruments onto the side of a poorly generated animal. I had to go back and specify to refocus on lighting and background.

Then DALL E started making it look like the animals were holding the instruments, which was exactly what I didn’t want. It was sort of a losing battle. I even had to go so far as to Photoshop a bit out of the mantis picture.

This problem got better or worse with the subject matter. Guitars were especially difficult, as were harps and pianos, which I didn’t include in the slideshow. DALL E really really wanted to put instruments in the picture. Like, whole instruments. Either in the background or in the creatures’ hands. The solution was more of a different direction than an actual clarification.

(All of this is about the second set of images, the first were looser and less specific. They were recreations of the second in a different style.)

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