World Creation Blog

The specificity of each of the readings was really exciting! I particularly liked looking at the codex, seeing how things were structured under the lens of codifying and categorization. If we’re basing our worlds off of our generations for the week, I’d really want to dig into what everything looks like. Concepts like keeping seed generation would be more important to me, to keep everything unified.

I’d probably establish with text first. Have the gpt help me create a fleshed-out world in writing, then submit things into DALL E.

Things like the codex, something in-world that seeks to organize information about that same world, are really cool to me. It could be developed to act as in-world history books, either for the rich or poor.

Developing a unique visual style is very important, as well. I don’t know what direction I’d like to take it in, but I like the semi-realism of the Tron movie and The Visual Dome.

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