


Each teacup represents an abstract theme: Forgiveness, Kindness, Apathy, Patience, and Identity. I wanted to see how it would interpret these prompts as they are not tangible objects. I was inspired by how the AI interprets abstract ideas on physical objects. Each prompt was structured very similarly in the chat. I used a variety of different themes, but these are the ones I liked the best. I left out the ones that didn’t incorporate the theme into the cup itself and added on to the cup instead. This is an interesting look into the interpretation of these abstract themes by the AI. I like how it’s a glimpse into common patterns and design schemes among training data associated with these themes. In addition, I appreciate how each of these have distinct tones and scenarios. Using an object as the conduit for the theme lead to a more successful outcome. These images have a better message and flow than I’ve seen other images that just rely on the theme as the prompt.

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