Visual Art Series – Poetic Prompts

My inspiration for this visual art series comes from song lyrics from artists I like to listen to. I gathered 4 songs from different artists mostly all being poetic or having poetic language and one just for fun. My process began by searching up the lyrics for the songs I wanted to create images for, and choosing an important section of the lyrics that best represented the whole song. I then inserted that portion into ChatGPT and asked it to create an image based off the lyrics. I had other songs that I wanted to use but ChatGPT would give me a warning about copyright content so I had to go with other options. For some of the songs, I asked it to recreate the photos because it would miss the most important/iconic part of the lyrics and it would then try its hardest to fix it while others came out exactly representing the song. What I discovered during this assignment is that ChatGPT has restricted rules on types of content, however, which types I am not sure. I had questions regarding does it matter what artist it can’t generate for or the site where I got the lyrics from? I also discovered that you need to tell it to not miss a certain part of the lyrics right from the start so it doesn’t forget about it.

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