AI Cinema (blog 5)

When it comes to AI and cinema I’m a bit on the fence, because I see both perspectives. I see why screenwriters and other people have a distaste with AI in this field but at the same time I think there are opportunities with this. 

It’s obvious that screenwriters and other people in cinema have a fear of being replaced by AI because of the advancement it has had recently. Not only that but its ability to be very precise and even being able to imitate styles of film (such as directors and such and be able to write screenplays at a passable level is quite impressive. But In addition to this many companies are reducing their staff due to the economy and utilizing AI more, which puts cinema jobs in a tough spot and causes fear. I understand that this is a fear that’s come over many creative fields recently. 

However, I don’t necessarily think that people should be too fearful because, while AI is being frequently used and advanced I don’t think it will take over the industry but the use of AI might become more prominent in this field. In the “‘Of course it’s disturbing’: will AI change Hollywood forever” article they mention how it’s alright but needs some enhancing. I think that AI may be used for brainstorming or for simulating purposes (scenes) in film and perhaps cleaning scripts up or for structuring purposes. But I don’t think that AI itself will be creating the scripts and replacing screenwriters. On top of this I think that when AI writes stories they mostly seem to be very bland like said in the article. While AI might be used at some part of the creative process for making films it won’t be taking people’s jobs but likely enhancing their skills and/or being used as a tool.

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