Blog #5 Ai Cinema

What are your thoughts on the risks and opportunities of AI Cinema? What do these tools mean for the future of Hollywood entertainment and for independent artists working in the industry? 

I love movies and cinema. When I first thought about the risk AI could present to the cinema world, I did not care much. In my opinion, I don’t care much of how a movie is made as long as it is entertaining. But then I really started to think about it. If Everyone started to use AI to make movies then there is a possibility they might stop using film techniques that I love.

Things like practical effects and stop motion animation could become a lost art. Little things and trivia that gives films character could be lost. For example that scene from Raiders of the last Ark, where Harrison Ford asked the directors to change a scene because he had diarrhea. That scene is a classic.

There has to be a limit on how AI is used. AI tools can help in the development of making a movie but the creative choices need to made by a person with a certain image in mind. AI can help with with organizational things like pre-production: location scouting, scheduling, budgeting. It can also be used to for artistic things like how a camera angle should be shot or how the lighting should be. AI can also be used for story telling. You should only use AI to generate and develop your own stories not to make an entire new one.

My hope is that if Hollywood and other film makers begin to use AI tools it can help them produce movies faster and more efficiently. I don’t want to wait five years just to see a sequel of my favorite movie.

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