Blog #5 AI in Cinema

What are your thoughts on the risks and opportunities of AI Cinema? 

Some of the risks that come with AI in Cinema would include copyright infringement and the possible lack of originality or creativity. Copyright infringement is something we are already seeing in AI created art and it has become an issue, especially for bigger artists. AI, as of now, does not know that it can’t infringe copyright issues and it uses examples of artists to create something new while also having hints of the original art piece, sometimes even the signatures of the artist distorted on the picture. I believe that this will be the case as well for AI when creating scripts for new movies. As of now, nothing is stopping AI from taking plot lines from movies and just rewriting them in a different format or structure. I believe this would just end up with reworks of already created movies, and just add different twists or elements to it. This also leads me to question how originality or creativity will be lacking with AI tools writing movies. I say this because AI will end up recycling content, not creating really anything new. This is where the importance of human creativity is important, as it tends to be relevant to our human lives. When AI is creating something for humans, it lacks humanity.

Some of the opportunities that would come with AI in Cinema would include things like scheduling, pre-production, special effects and distribution a lot easier for companies, but I think the biggest opportunity would be offered to the smaller creators. What I mean by this is that anyone could create a movie without the need of a big production studio. AI tools could make it possible for small film creators to expand their creativity through the opportunities that AI tools offer, such as creating their own actors and voice lines, creating their own environment or world for the movie and much more. AI will provide a way for smaller film creators to create something they have always wanted to create but could not have before due to the lack of money in comparison to big production studios.

What do these tools mean for the future of Hollywood entertainment and for independent artists working in the industry? 

I think that these tools will shrink Hollywood immensely. Instead of having a big production team, it will be a small group of artists working with AI to create, edit, film and distribute movies. I also think that independent artists will be able to produce their own movies by learning how to work with AI tools. Big production studios and Warner Brothers, Paramount and Universal Pictures will have to compete with smaller production teams as it will make the process for creating a movie a lot easier and cheaper, allowing independent artists to compete with these studios. I think this will level the playing field for smaller artist teams.

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