Visual #2 Visual Narratives from a fictional World

In my creative process I did not want to make something that I have done before, so no sci-space stuff. I wanted it to be fantasy with magic. All I needed was a theme. I have been watching a show about a group of adventures diving into a dungeon to save someone. I took that concept and flipped it. A party stuck in a dungeon who can’t get out. I also wanted it to seem like the characters are in the after life with the whole amnesia thing.

The process of creating the world was not too difficult. When I had problems coming up with something I would ask my GPT and it would provide suggestions. With the help of AI tools I was able to create key visuals from the story like the first guardian. Making a story was easy for my world. A group of adventurers with no memory starts ascending the underworld. The hard part was keeping the visuals consistent. I would ask chat to make one of the characters in frame of a monster and it would change the description of my character.

Anyway, this was a fun exercise and I believe my world would be perfect for someone’s Dungeons and Dragons campaign.

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