Visual #2 – Synthetica

The creative process for this project was rather difficult for me as I am not into sci-fi as much as others might be, but it was a world I wanted to explore. I leaned heavily on ChatGPT to help generate ideas and I refined and edited the ideas until I came up with something I felt comfortable with and wanted to move forward with. ChatGPT gave me ideas as far as how society works, how AI and humans interact in a symbiotic way and even the fashion people wear in this world. I took bits and pieces of what was suggested and had an in-depth conversation with the GPT to go further into detail on the world of Synthetica. I wanted the world to be full of nature and futuristic life living in coexistence and allowing the world to no longer be damaged by pollution. I was however stumped on what story to tell through images, so I tried to focus on Synthetica, and a mega-city called Elysion Terra. I wanted to show what everyday life looked like in this mega-city from sunrise to sunset with my limited images. I also decided to work with ChatGPT to create an outline for what high fashion would look like in this futuristic world. Overall, it was a new experience for me to delve into a futuristic sci-fi world and overall, it was enjoyable. The only annoying part throughout this project was the limited number of prompts that ChatGPT gives you. It prevents artistic flow by having a limited number of prompts and will plan on using MidJourney for the next project.

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