Video plan (blog 6)

For my story I’m thinking about making it a creation video, something like how the people of my fictional world think the world was made. I don’t have many specific thoughts on the camera shots or anything but have an idea for the story. it’s going to be about how there was a dark empty void when the sun showed up moving around which led to the moons being created. With the sun and moons came the planet, Ethereal. I don’t have the specifics yet but I’ll have GPT help me refine the story. I definitely think that I’ll have some scenes just panning showing the sky, stars, and moons but also the world itself from the perspective of space and then in the world. I might have a few scenes showing people and everyday life however it really depends on how I’m doing on time and whether it would fit well.

As for the visual style, I’m thinking of making it in a sort of documentary style, similar to what you would see on the history channel about civilizations in the past. Although the aesthetic vision will likely not be photorealistic because of the details of the world but rather similar to video game design. So I have a feeling that it might evolve into something similar to the beginning of a video game although I’m not sure yet. For the soundtrack I’m thinking of having some type of background music perhaps classical or something soothing. I don’t think there will be many sound effects but I might change that as I am making the video.

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