Summary of AI Animation

Within my AI animation, the setting takes place in California in the year 2100 where AI automatons assist in most facets of life. On the streets, an automaton named Athena sees a man with his physical AI companion and the man named Felix who is clearly wealthy begins to verbally abuse Icarus. Icarus collapses after the heavy weight of some groceries, and while Felix is disparaging him, he begins to kick his robot on the ground. Random AI automatons staring in the background with a blank look on their face, but their eyes show they are in horror. As Felix is about to start punching Icarus, Athena steps in by blocking his fist, and pushing him with that hand alone. Felix frowns, shrugs and gives up as he picks up the grocery bags and leaves. Athena gives Iris a hand and expresses that “as long as automatons stick together, they will never be broken.”

The visual style should be vibrant with deep colors that heavily includes nature. There should be sounds for kicking, falling, and impact SFX on a human hand. The music should be dark but then a hint of inspiration and hope in the end. In its entirety, the music should be cinematic. The voices for the characters should sound middle aged for Felix, Athena should sound strong and Icarus will have a voice that is masculine but low energy.

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