Blog: AI Cinema

The main risk in AI Cinema with many artists is the fear that due to AI developing at a rapid pace, will lead AI to eventually become something that produces high quality material, and will lead to AI replacing jobs in this industry. AI taking over jobs in this industry is the most feared as it is an industry where creativity plays a key role in the outcome of a project. Although this fear is among those in the cinema and entertainment industry I think the usage of AI will not eliminate and replace all those who work in the industry but AI will develop to be used quite frequently as it can help in saving time and money with the production for something such as a film.

The creative work in the film and entertainment industry cannot just solely be replaced by AI as I think it will not be as good as having the creativity as humans do, AI does not have that same human spark touch with direction to new creative projects. There is still so much to go with AI and a quote from the article ‘Of course it’s disturbing’: will AI change Hollywood forever? said “it’s going to tell stories from the perspective of its programmers, essentially, then you have to worry about the lack of diversity among the programmers”. This quote definitely touches on the subject of how AI will generate outcomes based on what it is programmed to do, and how we as public perhaps do not know just how much diversity is behind these programmers. In the scenario of everything being replaced with AI, just how much would be shifted to one narrative versus having actual humans who lead away with the development of a production knowing that there is diversity behind a project and teamwork.

I do think there will be some cuts in jobs due to AI but overall having a successful industry cannot survive solely on AI, what we consume still needs the touch and management of human input. Ideas and time consummation will definitely be lifted by AI but it will help the workflow of a person’s job be easier and help get stuff done more quicker. The usage of AI in the industry needs to be well monitored as well as the contribution of humans toward the AI usage to be able produce something that makes cinema what it is now. Having laws and rights that protects artists from AI overtaking and over stepping into an industry will help protect artists as well as making sure everything gets properly credited.

I think that the accessibility for AI tools, especially for independent artists is great as it will allow for artists who do not have the same major resources in the industry to have opportunities to be able to showcase their work. I think AI can help assist in having the chance to grow and develop skills for artists in the film industry as it can be a chance where artists can be able to experiment with their skills.

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