Visual #3 Animation/Video

Personally I had a lot of trouble trying to create images that I could put into runway to make the video. My initial process was to draw frames in a notebook to create a story board then I would try to make the video frame by frame. I had difficulties creating the images I wanted and my AI tools had problems keeping my characters consistent. I also noticed that ChatGPT could not create any image with all of my characters accurately. The setting was always right but it would add or change my characters.

For the music I tried some ideas with Suno and Stability. Stability give me strange music that I was not happy with but I felt like I got a good track from Suno. I also tried to do sound effects with Stability, some where good but others were robotic and creepy. With the voice overs it was simple and easy I just needed to come up with what I wanted it to say.

I have never used Adobe Premiere before so it took me a little bit to figure how things worked but I got something.

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