Blog #7 Ai and Coding

For coding, Ai tools could prove to be a helpful resource. I have heard stories about that horrors and frustrations of coding. I have heard about entire pages of code not working because of a single small detail. I have heard of an entire page of code working without anyone know how. With Ai tools this could alleviate some of the strain placed on coding teams and hopefully speed up production.

In term of software, game, and web development, Ai tools can be used to make everyone be able to code. This could mean a large amount of new projects being developed because previously they were blocked behind peoples inability to code. I also see projects moving along more quickly, if companies can use AI tools to reduce errors and quicken computational work this could be products are either released sooner or companies will have more time to really iron out details. I also see that if people are too depended on AI tools it could ruin projects. Ai is not perfect, it can make mistakes, it is inevitable that something goes wrong.

I honestly don’t know how AI technology will effect my future plans. It could change nothing at all or it could make me reconsider my career path. If coding can be done by anyone wouldn’t that mean that there is no demand for the position? I guess we will have to wait and see.

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