Blog Post: AI and Coding

Coding will become easier in the future, lowering the barrier to learning to code. But I don’t think this means that coders will lose their jobs, because some of them will probably become more efficient and proficient in coding structures, focusing on more complex specialized areas of software development. Others may shift their focus to leveraging AI tools to enhance their productivity, rather than dedicating extensive time to mastering complex programming languages. Because AI can make the interface intuitive, their time learning code is diverted from thinking about innovation and solving problems. We humans are now aware of certain drawbacks of AI, such as its impact on human employment and information security. In the future, then, we will certainly monitor the safety and reliability of AI because of these concerns. In addition, workers in all fields, even without a programming background, can use AI to serve them and increase productivity. A few months ago, I followed the biographies of some Japanese cartoonists. It is said that it is common for professional cartoonists to stay up all night to meet deadlines. If cartoonists utilize AI assistance, it could significantly aid them in various aspects, such as developing character backstories and enhancing creativity. Such as assisting in developing detailed character backstories, personalities, and motivations. Humans and AI are likely to have more collaborative interactions in the future, with advantages for both sides. At least now I feel that AI has saved a lot of time for my design work, but I also don’t want to rely on AI and ignore my learning goals and creative passion. So in this process, I hope to know and understand more about what AI can do, and I can learn knowledge through AI. I hope that we humans can make better use of AI, rather than blindly abuse it. In this way, in the future, we will feel at ease and interact with AI, rather than being led by the nose of a more intelligent AI in the future.

The big thing about software, game, app, and web development is how AI will change the way these fields work. AI can now perform basic coding tasks and take advantage of computers to read faster and reduce programming errors. So these capabilities offer significant convenience for coders, saving time and allowing them to concentrate on more intricate tasks. Let developers focus on more complex and challenging code work. Developers can now shift their focus to more visual and complex aspects of coding, rather than investing excessive time in basic coding tasks. In addition, user experience has become a key research direction, that is, paying more attention to the process of human-computer interaction. Communication between software, game, app, and web development has also become smoother, with AI acting as a multi-channel bridge to help developers get familiar with workflows and use skills faster.

Initially, my understanding of AI’s impact on future industries was vague. Through reading relevant information, I gradually deepened my understanding of AI, and I realized that AI will have a great impact on the change of future jobs. For example, roles focused on basic coding may become less prevalent, while demand for advanced coding positions is likely to rise. It seems that the ubiquity of AI in the future will be as realistic as everyone has at least one mobile phone today. We have realized that sensitive issues such as ethics and bias in AI are bound to persist both now and in the future, so some people may find jobs in areas such as improving quality and reliability, reducing bugs, and improving the user experience.

The advocacy for lifelong learning as a means of self-cultivation and continual progress is well recognized. When I understand the multifaceted impact of the development of AI on human progress, I once again realize the necessity of lifelong learning. So my plan for the future is to embrace AI as it comes, learn to understand it, use it, help improve my understanding, and expand my knowledge. I feel that AI will unlock learning opportunities that were previously difficult to access. Its appearance reminds me that we humans are like another chance to see the world on the shoulders of giants. I want to make good use of the learning convenience and opportunities that AI brings us to create new things. Maybe this overview may seem broad, but I really hope that we can all move in a good direction.

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