AI and the Visual Arts (February 2)

To Do This Week

Short fiction, poem or script (Writing Exercise #2 – 5%)
Use some of the generative techniques from class to start a work of creative writing. Ask ChatGPT to contribute. Improvise. Revise. Rewrite. Remix. Repeat. Push the text beyond the blandness of the AI outputs until it meets your own creative standards for a fiction, poem or script.

Read:  What is AI doing to art, BY LOIS ROSSON

Blog Prompt: After reading the essay above, discuss your personal concerns about AI in the visual arts and in visual culture in general. What can artists/creators do with AI tools to address or respond to these personal and collective concerns about machine creativity?


Research statements – workshop after class…


ChatGPT/Dall-e Activities:

  • Create prompts around hands: “a hand”, “a normal hand”, “clasped hands”, “holding hands”, “a hand with 4 fingers” – what do the results tell us about biases and challenges in representation. Ask why it produced such results.
  • Childhood home or room: visualize your childhood home or bedroom. Describe it in detail as best you can. Follow up with natural language requests through ChatGPT until it gets close to your memory. Specify lighting, color, spatial position, textures. Play with the aspect ratio and image style
  • Ekphrasis: describe a vivid, dramatic image of a fictional work of art, reference styles, artists, materials, genres and periods, describe patterns like fractals or waves. Add or remove details as needed. Change the point of view or where the subject appears in image 
  • Abstraction: describe an abstract or conceptual image, what is a 4D representation?, “a non-representational image of…”, “a cubist image of…” “a visualization of gravity”.
  • Detail expansion: Start with a simple image detail and keep elaborate from there. 
  • Elaboration: Try just an adjective: “a fun image”. Ask for less and/or more: more fun, more normal, more shadow, more variations, less saturation, less people, less blue, make smaller, etc.
  • Sketch to AI image: ubload a simple sketch and elborate with prompts.


Fictional AI World Prompt for a GPT
(Writing Exercise #3 – 5%)

DUE by Friday February 9 in a 300-500 word blog post. 

Craft a detailed description of a fictional world dominated by AI technology. This description will be the basis for a custom GPT, aiding in generating related images, texts and prompts for future projects. Your world should be dynamic, with room for evolution.

Key Elements to Include:

  • Era and Setting: Define the time period and describe the landscape.
  • Environment: Detail climate and geographical features.
  • Food and Culture: Describe typical cuisine and cultural practices.
  • Economy: Outline economic systems and key resources.
  • Religion and Education: Explain predominant beliefs and educational structures.
  • Technology: Highlight technological advancements, focusing on human-AI interactions.
  • Uniqueness: What makes your world unique? Focus on innovative aspects, especially in human-AI symbiosis.


A concise 300-500 word blog post covering the above points.
Incorporate reflections on the future of human-AI relationships within your world.

Criteria for Evaluation:

  • Originality: Creativity of your world’s concept.
  • Clarity: How well the world’s aspects are articulated.
  • Insight: Depth of thought on human-AI symbiosis.


Visual Art Series
(Visual Exercise #1 – 5%)

DUE by Friday February 9 in a 300-500 word blog post. 

Create a series of art images that develops a visual idea or technique, culminating in a Google Slides presentation. This series should not only showcase your artistic exploration but also be accompanied by a statement that outlines your concept, methodology, and findings.

Themes to Explore:

  • Abstraction: Experiment with shapes, colors, and forms to convey emotions or impressions.
  • Surrealist Imagery: Delve into the surreal by creating imagery that defies conventional logic and explores dream-like scenarios.
  • New Species Creation: Imagine and depict a new animal or plant species, considering its environment, behaviors, and appearance.
  • Poetic Prompts: Let poetry inspire your visuals. Translate the essence of poems into compelling imagery.
  • Sketch to Image: Begin with simple sketches and evolve them into detailed images, showcasing the process of artistic refinement.
  • Photo-realism: Aim for meticulous detail and accuracy to create images that closely resemble photographs.

Develop at least 5 images adhering to your chosen theme.
Include a written statement (200-300 words) detailing your inspiration, the process you undertook, and any discoveries made during your creative journey.

Criteria for Evaluation:

  • Creativity: Originality and innovation in your chosen theme.
  • Cohesion: How well the series adheres to and explores the selected idea or technique.’
  • Reflective Insight: Depth and insightfulness of the accompanying statement.

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