Visual #3: The Ecliptix School System

At first, I used my GPT to create photos for this scene in my world, “Ecliptix,” but I was unsatisfied with my results and decided to swap over to Midjourney. Some of my photos were generated by combining photos from Midjourney with photos from Dall-E and then using the prompts that Midjourney gave to describe the hybrid photo. I expanded the scenes in Midjourney so that they were not in a square aspect ratio and imported them into Runway. In Runway, I used a combination of the paint brush and zoom tools to get the motion for my video. I used my world GPT and ElevenLabs to create the narration and used Suno to create my background “instrumental-electronic” track. This process took a lot of trial and error, and I’m hoping that I get better with these tools in the future, as I still struggle a lot with them.



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