Multimodal essay idea (blog 11)

For my multimodal essay I want to focus on integrating AI with my personal art. During my research I think I will refine my question but will need to investigate AI’s tools abilities to respond to images. I could also try to use different types of AI perhaps drawing in a program then having AI create something from that is a route I could go as well. I think that for starters I’d have to play with this idea and reflect on these findings before I can have certainty on what is within the capacity of possibilities at the moment.

I’d have to do some experimenting with AI tools and its abilities I think a big component of my essay will focus on this type of research which will lead up to my project. For the project I will be executing this plan by provided samples of what the responses and abilities of the AI tools I use are able to transform my art. My project will likely show case results and perhaps its implications. I also think that my project will include how this may or may not affect my art or how the process of art can be changed by integrating AI with traditional fine arts.

As for the material of art that I plan to use within the experimenting I will likely choose a variety and try to include different styles and or mediums to get a good sample. Much of my research will be going back and forth with the AI to get results that I think are at a proficient level. But if the results are also not as they are to be expected then I will likely also discuss and show this through examples. I also think that I will need to have a defined question as I see results.

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