Blog Post #11 — Multimodal Reflective Essay

Blog Prompt: This week, start thinking/researching/chatting about your final project and research essay. By class, post a description of both your project idea and essay topic.

Essay Topic

   Over the course of this semester, I have developed a keen interest in the application of AI tools in a professional environment. This interest was even more perked after the very insightful visit by the president and COO of Happy Finish, Toby Roberts. Seeing the application of various AI tools working in an integrated system to produce stunning and specific visual content  was an impressive display of not only what is possible now, but what the future holds. As AI continues to proliferate across the tech industry and outwards, I realize the value in understanding the inner-workings of the Tools we all will be exposed to and work with.

For my essay, I would like to explore and work towards understanding a full overview of the process that some of the more prominent AI tools use to generate their content. Using a ground up approach, I plan to examine the process from its earliest stages of data collection, pre-processing, and model training through to the actual generation of content. Through a better understanding of the process as a whole, I hope to obtain not only more knowledge that will improve my usage of these tools, but also give me insight into relevant and useful skills to refine and learn in order to increase my chances of securing a job in a related field.

Project Idea


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