Final Project Idea and Question

Graphic design continuously evolves, blending creativity with technology to craft engaging visual stories. My exploration into AI’s role in enhancing this creative journey sparked my main question: “How can AI improve the creative process in graphic design, and is its use justified?” In this project, I aim going to answer this question and demonstrate AI’s potential to boost the creative process.

In my final project, I aim to explore the theme of “life,” focusing on exploring how loss and gain shape our lives. Life’s true nature lies in the beautiful mix of wins and losses, teaching us to value all our experiences. This is what makes life beautiful, offering us the chance to love and be loved, to grow through our challenges, and to value the times of success and kindness. The graphic design will serve as a visual metaphor for this journey, depicting the fluid and ever-changing nature of life. Using AI tools and techniques, I will transform my thoughts and ideas into tangible content, building a detailed picture of graphic assets, including background images, text overlays, and symbolic elements that embody the theme.

AI’s role in this creative process is important, as it will assist in generating and refining these visual elements, allowing me to experiment with different styles, compositions, and color schemes. By integrating AI into my artistic practice, I intend to push the boundaries of traditional graphic design, creating a piece that not only reflects on the theme of life but also demonstrates the potential of AI in enhancing and expanding the creative landscape. This project will show my view of life’s ups and downs and look at how AI can be used to better express these complex, common themes.

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