In-Class Workshop: AI Project Plan (for a video game)


  1. Project Summary:
    1. I want to create my first game and be able to sell it on Steam. I will use Blender and substance painter as tools to create models and texture them. I also plan on using Chat GPT and YouTube to find code. This will be for the entertainment industry.
    2. I want to make a small single-player game on my own in Unreal Engine 5 and put it on my resume. 
  2. Needs Assessment:
    • Many of the current and future needs in the gaming industry are people who can 3D model, animate, texture and code.
    • How can AI address these needs with a focus on generative AI technologies.
  3. Skills and Technology Overview:
    • The only generative AI skills and technologies required to meet identified needs are ChatGPT
    • My current skills are 
      • Motion Capture
      • Key frame animation
      • 3D modeling
      • Texturing
      • Rigger
    • I need to develop my skills in coding.
  4. Learning and Development Plan:
    • I don’t need a budget for materials or any courses.
    • I can get all my courses from YouTube and Chat GPT.
  5. Application and Impact:
    • Substance painter is for creating textures
    • Blender is for modeling and animations
    • Unreal Engine 5 is for putting everything together as a game with code.
    • I will know If I can get the funding to create a bigger and greater game and the gamers will have found another indie developer.
  6. Project Timeline:
    1. Create the idea of game.
    2. Create models, animations and textures using Blender and Substance painter.
    3. create code for game using Unreal Engine 5 and Chat GPT.
    4. Test game so I can polish it.
    5. publish game on steam.
  7. Budget:
    • I am not paying any money to be able to create things in these programs. I already paid for substance painter with no subscription, blender is free and Unreal engine 5 doesn’t require me to pay until I’ve made a million dollars. Steam requires that I pay $100 to publish a game which is no big deal.
  8. Evaluation and Reflection:
    • The project’s success will be if it gains 10,000 sales. The price of the game will be $1. I am not expecting a lot of sales or attention but this is a good baseline for success.
    • Include a plan for reflecting on the learning process, challenges faced, and how obstacles were overcome.



Skill Development & Learning Plan

Coding Skills:

  • Objective: Learn to program in Unreal Engine 5 using its scripting languages (e.g., C++ and Blueprints).
  • Resources: Use free online resources such as YouTube tutorials on Unreal Engine 5 coding. ChatGPT can help clarify concepts, debug issues, and provide coding examples.
  • Timeline: Dedicate specific blocks of time each week for learning and practicing coding.

Integrating AI Technologies:

  • Generative AI for Game Development: Use AI tools to assist in generating code snippets, debugging, and perhaps even creating basic game assets or narrative elements.
  • ChatGPT: Utilize ChatGPT for generating dialogue, story plots, or solving specific coding problems.
  • AI-based Plugins: Explore AI plugins available for Unreal Engine 5 that can automate or simplify tasks like texturing, animation, or environmental design.


Game Development Phases

Idea & Concept Development:

  • Objective: Develop a clear, concise game concept that includes the main theme, gameplay mechanics, and storyline.
  • Tools: Mind mapping tools, storyboarding, and initial sketches using digital art software.

Asset Creation:

  • Modeling and Texturing: Use Blender for 3D modeling and Substance Painter for texturing. Employ your skills in 3D modeling, rigging, and texturing to create detailed game characters and environments.
  • Animation: Implement both motion capture and keyframe animation techniques to bring characters and elements to life.

Game Coding and Integration:

  • Objective: Program game mechanics, player interactions, and other functionalities within Unreal Engine 5.
  • Generative AI Assistance: Use AI to suggest code optimizations or troubleshoot issues as you integrate assets into the game engine.

Testing & Polishing:

  • Objective: Ensure the game is functional, enjoyable, and free of bugs.
  • Process: Conduct both closed alpha tests (personal tests) and beta tests (open to selected users) to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.


  • Objective: Launch the game on Steam.
  • Steps: Prepare all necessary marketing materials, such as trailers and screenshots. Pay the Steam Direct fee to publish your game.


Budget & Resources

  • Cost Analysis: The main cost will be the Steam Direct fee ($100). All software tools are either already owned or free.
  • Additional Costs: Consider potential expenses for marketing, additional hardware for testing, or freelance help if needed.


Evaluation & Reflection

  • Success Metrics: Aim for 10,000 sales at $1 each as a measure of success.
  • Reflection: Regularly document the development process, challenges faced, and solutions found. Reflect on what learning methods and tools were most effective, and how obstacles were overcome.


Timeline Overview

  • Month 1-2: Learning and conceptualizing game idea.
  • Month 3-6: Asset creation and initial game coding.
  • Month 7-8: Integrating assets and coding with Unreal Engine 5.
  • Month 9: Testing and making adjustments.
  • Month 10: Final preparations and publishing on Steam.

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