In Class Activity: Business Plan

Executive Summary

Business Name: ARoomTech

Business Idea: Develop an AR-based application for interior design that allows users to visualize and design spaces in real time.

Mission Statement: “To innovate and democratize interior design through advanced AR technology.”

Product/Service: An AR app that integrates real-time room scanning and design modifications.

Target Market: Homeowners, real estate developers, interior designers, and DIY enthusiasts.

Financial Highlights: Seeking an initial investment of $500,000 with projected revenue of $1 million in the first year and profitability within two years.

Company Description

Core Activities: Design and deployment of an AR application for interior design.

Objectives: Capture 5% of the home renovation market within three years.

Differentiation: Superior image rendering technology, user-friendly interface, and partnerships with leading home furnishing retailers.

Market Analysis

Industry Overview: The AR market is part of the broader tech and home improvement industries, both witnessing rapid growth.

Market Size and Growth: The global AR market is expected to reach $50 billion by 2024.

Target Demographic: Tech-savvy individuals aged 25-45, who are either homeowners or in the real estate and interior design sectors.

Organization and Management

Business Structure: Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Ownership: Equal ownership between all partners. 

Management Team: Includes a CEO with tech startup experience, a CTO expert in AR development, and a CFO with backgrounds in finance and operations.

Products or Services

Offerings: AR application subscription for users; premium features include advanced design options and exclusive content.

Benefits: Reduces the need for physical sampling, lowers design costs, and increases customization possibilities.

Lifecycle: Continuous updates and feature enhancements planned quarterly.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Marketing Tactics: Digital marketing, strategic partnerships, influencer collaborations, and interactive online content.

Sales Tactics: Freemium model with upsell to a premium version, in-app purchases for exclusive features, and a referral bonus system.

Funding Request

Funding Needs: $500,000 to cover initial development, marketing, and staffing.

Usage Plans: 40% development, 40% marketing, 20% operational costs.

Financial Strategy: To achieve break-even within 24 months, followed by reinvestment of profits for growth.

Financial Projections

Income Forecast: Year 1: $1M, Year 2: $2.5M, Year 3: $4.5M.

Cash Flow Statements: Positive cash flow expected from Year 2.

Break-even Analysis: Expected within the first two years post-launch.


Resumes of Key Personnel: To establish credibility and showcase experience.

Legal Documents: Incorporation certificates, patents, or trademarks associated with the app.

Supporting Data: Research data on market trends, consumer behavior, and competitor analysis.

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