In Class Activity — Business Plan

Project Title

“WSUV InfoBot: An AI-Driven Campus Information System”

Project Description

The WSUV InfoBot project aims to develop an integrated AI-powered system that provides students, faculty, and visitors with real-time, tailored information about campus resources, events, and academic programs. This system will utilize advanced AI algorithms to process and deliver information through an intuitive interface, supporting both web and mobile platforms.


  1. Create a Comprehensive Database: Aggregate and organize all relevant information about WSUV, including academic programs, faculty directories, campus events, and administrative services.
  2. Develop an AI Reference Tool: Utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to develop an AI that can understand and respond to queries with accurate and relevant information.
  3. Enhance Campus Communication: Improve the accessibility of information, reducing barriers for students and staff and enhancing the overall campus experience.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

  • Digital Technology and Communications Department: Will oversee the content management, ensuring that the database is comprehensive and up-to-date, and manage the interface through which the campus community interacts with the AI.
  • Computer Science Department: Will handle the technical development of the AI, including programming, testing, and integrating the AI with existing campus IT infrastructure.

Grant-Worthy Aspects

  • Innovation: The project introduces a novel use of AI technology to improve information dissemination and accessibility in an educational setting.
  • Impact: By providing immediate access to campus information, the project aims to enhance student engagement, improve academic outcomes, and streamline campus operations.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Combines expertise in communications, database management, and AI development, embodying a collaborative approach that can serve as a model for other institutions.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

  • Data Privacy and Security: Ensuring the protection of sensitive information by adhering to best practices in data security and compliance with legal standards.
  • User Adoption: Developing training and promotional strategies to encourage widespread use of the system among all campus demographics.

Expected Outcomes

  • Short-term: A functional prototype of the WSUV InfoBot with basic query capabilities ready for campus-wide testing.
  • Long-term: A fully integrated, AI-powered campus information system that serves as a central hub for WSUV communications and resources.

Funding Request

  • Budget Overview: Detailed costs associated with software development, hardware acquisition (if necessary), personnel involved, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Resource Allocation: Clear delineation of how grant funds will be used to support project phases, including research, development, implementation, and evaluation.

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