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Pamela Castro Jauregui

Hi, I'm Pamela I'm a DTC major who likes making art as well.

AI business (blog 12)

For an AI creative business design I would go in the direction of a graphic design firm. This would integrate the skills that I have using AI tools and services with my experience in design. Using AI the business would create several mock up designs based on a clients likes and needs, as a way of getting started. The AI itself doesn’t need to come up with the finished product because human designers could interfere and help make improvements or changes as needed from the perspective of a designer or based on a client. The firm would specialize in things like logos, perhaps mock up websites or even merchandise. 

Graphic design has a lot of competition already as it is but I think that AI is a tool that can make this business bloom because of its rapidness. Really I think something essential to this business would be in prompt writing. People need to have the proper language and ability to describe what a client is looking for. Not only that but they should have some type of experience in design so they can make decisions to achieve the best results. 

I think that the best way to start a project like this would be to gather a team of some sorts with experience in using AI tools and people in design. But in order to gather a team there would need to be some type of market to get the ball rolling. I’d say a good way to begin is by designing or redesigning logos/merch for small local companies and expanding marketing through social media. Reaching out to businesses and asking if they would be interested or even looking for sponsors. In order to do this there would need to be some type of market research on the efficiency of using AI tools in this aspect, what types of AI are optimal in this aspect but beginning by trying to budget carefully by working from home or in a small space would be best. I’d say to start this business it would definitely take some type of investment to pay off any licensing and fees for AI services.

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Multimodal essay idea (blog 11)

For my multimodal essay I want to focus on integrating AI with my personal art. During my research I think I will refine my question but will need to investigate AI’s tools abilities to respond to images. I could also try to use different types of AI perhaps drawing in a program then having AI create something from that is a route I could go as well. I think that for starters I’d have to play with this idea and reflect on these findings before I can have certainty on what is within the capacity of possibilities at the moment.

I’d have to do some experimenting with AI tools and its abilities I think a big component of my essay will focus on this type of research which will lead up to my project. For the project I will be executing this plan by provided samples of what the responses and abilities of the AI tools I use are able to transform my art. My project will likely show case results and perhaps its implications. I also think that my project will include how this may or may not affect my art or how the process of art can be changed by integrating AI with traditional fine arts.

As for the material of art that I plan to use within the experimenting I will likely choose a variety and try to include different styles and or mediums to get a good sample. Much of my research will be going back and forth with the AI to get results that I think are at a proficient level. But if the results are also not as they are to be expected then I will likely also discuss and show this through examples. I also think that I will need to have a defined question as I see results.

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Happy Finish Questions (blog 10)

Questions for Toby Roberts:

  • To what limit is AI used in the work place? What are the guidelines and or limits to which employees are using AI tools, to which point is it not used?
  • With using AI as a tool how do you think this has impacted employees’ workflow,  in what ways does it have an advantage and or disadvantage?
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Ethereal Website(AI website)

Overall I think that my website does a good job of providing information about the culture and society of my world. It mentions different aspects like the integration of AI, the beliefs, and even food. I tried to have a variety of images so that you could get a good sense for what this world is truly like, and introduce it with my video from visual 3. Everything is function but I added minimal JavaScript because I wanted to be able to grasp the concept but think the interaction works well. I think the design is where my website has the best execution I think it represents the style of Ethereal very well.


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Game ideas (blog 9)

The type of game I’m thinking about making is something simple like a runner game with objects perhaps. I think these games are quite standard and entertaining. It also depends on how complex my group would like to get into the story or actions of the game. I’d like to make a retro looking game that has a sort of arcade feeling to it because it’s nostalgic and kind of classical. 

I like the idea of making something similar to the Google T-Rex game but making it more unique or attaching it to a concept. I’m also thinking that it doesn’t quite have to be so linear but that’s up to our group to discuss and decide. Overall I have some ideas for what the game could look like in regards to the design of making it feel retro which I think can make it very immersive. We could make it based on some historical characters or scenes with characters or something.

I also like the idea of making it a word type game from a selection of words maybe like hangman. The idea of making something common seems good given my coding skills but it depends on what others have in mind.

As far as roles go it depends on what my team is most comfortable with but I think what suits my skills best is being the designer. I think that creating the overall look for the website and choosing a color palette with graphics is something I tend to work well with. I have proficient skills in web development but am not too technical so I think that perhaps I could help if needed but would not be the best fit for that role. I don’t know if creating a background story is or will be necessary for the type of game I’m thinking of but I would be fine with creating some type of story as well. 

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Generative Art (blog 8)

I found the techniques in Amy Goodchild’s article to be fascinating because I think when art comes to mind people think of traditional art. Which commonly include ceramics, paintings and perhaps sculptures but generative art is almost like its own medium. I hadn’t thought much about generative art until now but I am especially interested in true randomness. Seeing as it comes from nature but is simply displayed in a way in which is more stimulating its quite captivating. A form of true randomness that comes to mind for me is the sky, it seems a bit obvious but it never truly looks the same but that’s what makes it so interesting to me. Of course this can be applied into a digital form like with weather and such which is a representation of data.

Amy’s demonstration of distribution with dots reminded me of stippling a drawing technique also used with dots. In drawing it can be quite time consuming to make a piece solely through this but ultimately it’s the same concept depending on the distribution of the dots the image made up will largely change. In addition to the pressure of the dots (meaning the soft or hardness making them appear lighter or darker).

I also found Automatism intriguing because I think when people are doing something they always seem to think about it with a vision or idea in mind. But in this example with drawing one is simply drawing to draw without much thought, as an artist myself I relate but don’t at the same time. During my drawing process most of the time I begin with a plan and know exactly what I want to draw but somewhere in the middle ignore the plan and just start drawing without thinking, kind of like I just let my hands do the work. I find that some of my best work comes from doing this. But when I’m stuck or just seem to run out of ideas, letting my hands do the work seems to end with me creating something unexpected.

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Visual 3

Previous to this project I hadn’t worked with AI sound or videos so it was a learning experience going into this project. Starting this I knew I wanted to make a creation story because I knew it would we very interesting and not have characters which I think would be more difficult to work with in a way I wanted. When I was making imagery with Chat GPT I struggled more than I thought I would to get depictions of space, the generated images didn’t have much consistency in the style and I had to use specific language to edit them. Specifying a color scheme to follow after, correcting the the lighting or environment something was in.

When it came to using Runway for making the videos I didn’t know have a set plan but I began to think about sci-fi movies and how they set up stories like this and tried to follow a similar style. With things like panning and zooming in shots although there was a lot of trail and error doing this because many of the videos would have pieces moving be out of place. As for the sound I found I wanted the narrator to sound concise and calm like how someone in my fictional planet would and I think the voice I used captured it perfectly. Including the soothing soundtrack that I created to sound ambient fit nicely.

  • A small note the quality of the video appears a bit poor on Youtube after exporting it a 720p.

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AI and Coding (blog 7)

I don’t have that much experience with coding although I did take the media authoring class last semester with Luers. At the start of the semester we were taught the basics of coding to have a clear understanding and later into the semester AI was integrated to help us experiment and explain things to us. I thought that the use of AI in this instance was an incredible tool that helped with a variety of things, especially to help you get a basic structure for a website. 

In terms of a professional field I couldn’t say exactly what it means although I know that many software developers and people in computer science are worried that they will be replaced by AI similarly to screen writers in cinema. But I don’t think that’s what’s happening. I think that in this field AI can be used as a tool to help simplify timely tasks. Given the advancement of AI and its understanding of code by being able to read it it’s incredible to be able to identify problems and give complete code back in seconds which would typically take much more time to manually produce. With AI and its integration in the workplace I think that timely tasks like creating lists or tables can be much easier even for making a basic structure. Where AI is more limited is in the aspect of design, which I think works well for people and web designers. 

I don’t know much about game or app design but I think that AI would be a tool in this aspect as well. It would be making the apps or games by itself. There needs an idea and creativity behind it to produce something further. For several types of  professions and in almost any case involving AI I think people have a strong fear that it will replace them but it’s a bit of a misconception because many people don’t know how AI works or can be used to help you. I myself personally do not think I will further pursue a number of these professions but do think it’s important to embrace AI because it is the future.

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Video plan (blog 6)

For my story I’m thinking about making it a creation video, something like how the people of my fictional world think the world was made. I don’t have many specific thoughts on the camera shots or anything but have an idea for the story. it’s going to be about how there was a dark empty void when the sun showed up moving around which led to the moons being created. With the sun and moons came the planet, Ethereal. I don’t have the specifics yet but I’ll have GPT help me refine the story. I definitely think that I’ll have some scenes just panning showing the sky, stars, and moons but also the world itself from the perspective of space and then in the world. I might have a few scenes showing people and everyday life however it really depends on how I’m doing on time and whether it would fit well.

As for the visual style, I’m thinking of making it in a sort of documentary style, similar to what you would see on the history channel about civilizations in the past. Although the aesthetic vision will likely not be photorealistic because of the details of the world but rather similar to video game design. So I have a feeling that it might evolve into something similar to the beginning of a video game although I’m not sure yet. For the soundtrack I’m thinking of having some type of background music perhaps classical or something soothing. I don’t think there will be many sound effects but I might change that as I am making the video.

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Story line (visual 2)

Creating a visual representation of what Ethereal looked like was significantly more difficult than I had anticipated it to be. As I was creating this world’s description during visual 1 I thought I had a pretty good idea on what I wanted my world to look and be like, which helped me a lot. However translating the image that’s in my brain into words proved to be difficult for me. Configuring my GPT to match the aesthetic of Ethereal wasn’t that difficult but getting into specific types of cameras and lighting required me to do a bit of research despite that I have done some photography in the past. 

When it came to creating the storytelling part I had no idea where to even begin so asking GPT for ideas was my starting point. I picked a story that reminisced with me, about a girl who makes art. I had GPT generate descriptions for scenes including the camera shot. Generating the images to achieve the look I wanted was where I definitely faced the most challenges. 

Since Ethereal has a classical roman inspired architecture I thought that for clothing design having ancient civilization inspired clothes would suit this utopia looking mythological world. What I did add to the clothes was having lots of patterns, jewelry, and beads to add more details. At first I tried to have characters have a little moon stone in their foreheads but when I generated that the people looked like robots because GPT interpreted it as something mechanical, I played around with this look at first but didn’t like it in the end. For Lira the character of my story I didn’t have an specifications for the way I wanted her to look but she appeared in several of the scenes but the way she looked kept changing so consistency was not being kept very much. I had to take the character design that I liked the most and then edit the scene images by asking it to change some of her features but for the most part her look didn’t change. 

As I was making the scenery I noticed that it was almost like the GPT would forget or dismiss my instructions on the types of photos I wanted because I needed to remind it of the aspect ratio and tell it to make things more colorful. As I was going through this process I ended up making a few alterations to the overall look of my world by making it even more colorful and making the environment look exotic. 

At first I tried to make the images look photorealistic but as much as I tried using different terms it never seemed to. Instead it made a video game-like design which I actually liked. I think it added to the aesthetic and made it feel even more well Ethereal.

Here is the link to my presentation:


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AI Cinema (blog 5)

When it comes to AI and cinema I’m a bit on the fence, because I see both perspectives. I see why screenwriters and other people have a distaste with AI in this field but at the same time I think there are opportunities with this. 

It’s obvious that screenwriters and other people in cinema have a fear of being replaced by AI because of the advancement it has had recently. Not only that but its ability to be very precise and even being able to imitate styles of film (such as directors and such and be able to write screenplays at a passable level is quite impressive. But In addition to this many companies are reducing their staff due to the economy and utilizing AI more, which puts cinema jobs in a tough spot and causes fear. I understand that this is a fear that’s come over many creative fields recently. 

However, I don’t necessarily think that people should be too fearful because, while AI is being frequently used and advanced I don’t think it will take over the industry but the use of AI might become more prominent in this field. In the “‘Of course it’s disturbing’: will AI change Hollywood forever” article they mention how it’s alright but needs some enhancing. I think that AI may be used for brainstorming or for simulating purposes (scenes) in film and perhaps cleaning scripts up or for structuring purposes. But I don’t think that AI itself will be creating the scripts and replacing screenwriters. On top of this I think that when AI writes stories they mostly seem to be very bland like said in the article. While AI might be used at some part of the creative process for making films it won’t be taking people’s jobs but likely enhancing their skills and/or being used as a tool.

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Fictional band (in class activity)


 Fury of the Rising Sun

  1. Rebel’s Roar
  2. Neon Samurai
  3. Rising Tide of Chaos
  4. Shattered Tradition
  5. Electric Edo
  6. Sakura Riot
  7. Taiko Tumult
  8. Shamisen Shredder
  9. Fury’s Anthem
  10. Tokyo Turmoil
  11. Sunset Revolution
  12. Harajuku Havoc
  13. Zenith of Rebellion
  14. Kabuki Chaos
  15. Kyoto Carnage

Back story:

Overall, “Fury of the Rising Sun” is a bold statement of artistic intent, showcasing the band’s versatility, creativity, and passion for pushing boundaries. It represents a fusion of past and present, tradition and rebellion, encapsulating the band’s mission to create music that is both timeless and relevant to the modern world.

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Ideas for fictional world (blog 4)

Before making fictional world

I think that creating a fictional world is much more difficult that people may imagine because there are so many aspects to think of. I definitely think that I would get some type of inspiration from media like books and media but I would also incorporate my personal taste. I think that the world I would create would reflect sort of a fantasy land that I would like to live in or just spend my time imagining. The easier part of doing something like this I think would be imagining what the fictional world looks like, at least for me because I have a vivid imagination. But when it comes to the technicalities think I would have more difficulty. 

As far as steps I think that I would start by just having concepts, perhaps certain aesthetics or parts of historical societies. From here I would create a very basic outline for what the worlds would be like in terms of looks and maybe the terrain. Eventually I think I would get to pick one but figuring out the religion and economy would definitely be a challenge for me. When It comes to things like that I would most likely need the AI to give me ideas whether it’s based on something real or completely fictional. I’d likely combine concepts as I go as well to suit my tastes best. 

After making fictional world/in the process

As I was developing my fictional world I had to main concepts that I really liked. One was a super advanced city like world that is technological and is more cyberpunk like. With modern designs I was very inspired by Tron or Ready player one. On the other hand I am someone who appreciates art and is very into mythology. I was thinking about making it an olympus like world where gods from different mythologies coexisted but where it got complicated was including AI and having a belief system. So I decided to make a blend of these two ideas but changed a few aspects about both. I kept the classical looking world and architecture that was inspired by mythologies and art but added modern touches to it with AI and technology.

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Ethereal a fictional world (writing 3)

Era & Setting

Ethereal is an old world that has existed for several years at the moment in the year 3200. This planet has three moons and a sun which appear amongst the clouds and star filled sky. The landscape is covered in mountains with forests and trees as far as the eye can see and has rivers and waterfalls scattered around. The trees have all sorts of colors as well as the plants and even the water.


Ethereal is cool at night and warm during the day the sun shines during the day and the moonlight illuminates at night. In this world half the day is night time and the other is daytime.  The climate on this planet is similar to earths with rain and wind but it doesn’t snow or hail. The civilizations on this planet are similar to floating like islands that interconnect but people do explore beyond the islands.

Food & Culture

The culture of Ethereal emphasizes the celebration of enjoying life, people here live very content lives. This society highly values their resources and for special events, grand festivals are held in celebration of the sky and its gifts. Dancing and the making of art are highly valued by all. The food here is similar to earth food but made with exotic ingredients of all colors.


The economy on Ethereal is nonmonetary, they have adapted a service based system. One in which people or their AI assistants will do you some type of favor in exchange for goods, this system reflects trust. Some resources are provided by the planet, others use AI to produce.


There isn’t a fixed religion that people are devoted to, however to the people the sky is very important to them. They believe that their planet was born from when the stars and the moon met. They believe that it is thanks to the moon and the stars that they have prosperity, resources, and life. As for their education people are taught all sorts of life skills and have a general education about how their world works and AI assistance. 


Although Ethereal has a substantial amount of nature in it they also are highly advanced when it comes to technology. While their architecture is classically designed they have AI technology that helps them solve any problems within their islands such as infrastructure. Each individual on the island has a companion (a personalized AI) that helps them with daily tasks and looks out for them. Apart from this AI is also used for security purposes and used in science to help improve society and grow agriculture.


What sets this world apart is the advancement of this society despite keeping a traditional look to the structure of everything. AI in this world is not just a tool but seen even as a companion or caretaker that assists people further. This planet is celestial like with its rich culture and uncommon forms of governing truly a utopia.

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Surrealism (visual 1)

My initial idea was to create surreal images based on my dreams, however after experimenting for a while they seemed a bit too ordinary. So I began to think of random situations with everyday objects and added odd scenery. I also messed around with animals and mythological creatures to make it even more illogical. I tried to make my series of images have different tones to create a variety and they ended up being very random.

Here is the link to my presentation:


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Research statement (writing 1)


When I first started this project, I was not sure where to begin. I had many ideas but could not decide on one. I knew I wanted to do something related to art because it has always been important to me and something I consistently practice. However, figuring out how exactly I was going to use AI was difficult to figure out. I am interested in art so naturally I went in the direction of visual arts. 

AI Interest & class

My interest in AI is mostly from curiosity about what it is and what it means in terms of art. AI has obviously greatly impacted many fields but particularly ones that have creativity. I’d like to be able to use AI to see directly how it impacts art and how it can enhance  art. I would like to learn how I can use AI to better improve my art and how to integrate to simplify tasks.

As for AI itself and the class I think that AI is revolutionary and the future honestly. I want to learn about how AI self-works and how it compares to the human brain. How information is generated or the sourcing of materials. I also think that simply playing and testing diverse types of AI services would be interesting to experiment with. 

Research goals

I would say the primary goal for my research is to experiment with how integrating AI into my creative process can expand my creativity. Creativity is a loosely used term, but in the context of this I mean artistic abilities and possibilities. I would say I have a vivid imagination and the ability to make art but where I struggle at times is to give my ideas a visual representation. It feels as though there is a gap between me making art and the idea itself. This is where I’m hoping AI can assist me, by making a bridge between this gap. What I would like to do is have AI enhance my ideas and art to become a better artist.

Research ideas/approaches

I don’t think I have a very concrete plan at the moment for the direction I’d like to go in. But I do have a rough idea of what actions I’ll be taking to learn more about AI with respect to art. I will try to be very adaptive as I go but something I will be doing is providing the AI with concepts. Although that sounds quite broad, providing AI with a range of themes, emotions, and artistic styles will allow me to explore art quickly. And like I said before I will be asking AI to give visual representations of my ideas, from which I can then use as a starting point for making art.

Of course, this process is not linear; it involves continuous interaction and refinement between me and the AI. I’m also interested in having AI respond to my art whether it be sketches or rendered out works. I am curious to see what types of responses it will come up with. I’d like to see how it can enhance those pieces or change them to further transform it. I’m curious about whether it can produce works in the style it. I hope to get a deeper understanding of the capabilities of the AI as well as how I can improve my art and process. 

Intended results/project

I anticipate this class will significantly expand my imaginativeness and artistic process with the use of AI. I aim to develop a more refined approach as I am experimenting and integrating the AI’s suggestions into my artistic workflow. I don’t have a specific idea for the final project although I’m possibly thinking perhaps a gallery like project. A series of artworks that represent a harmonious blend of my personal creativity and AI-assisted design.

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A fictional story (writing 2)


For this creative writing assignment, I didn’t know exactly where to start but I was thinking about making a story because I’m not too familiar with scripts or poems. I began with looking for songs to sample from to then remix into a story, I took diverse songs from multiple time frames. I asked for GPT to disperse the lyrics, but it seemed to not be able to do the task and kept the stanzas of the lyrics. I began with it making a story but then I though of making it into a fairy tale but I didn’t like any of the stories because it seemed too generic. All the stories that GPT generated were kind of bland and were all romances I had to specify to not make it a romance. Given the mix of lyrics the story was little dark but kept asking to make it darker and eventually and made it a horror story which I thought was much more interesting.

Subway’s Abyss (story as named by Chat GPT)

Beneath the city’s bustling streets, a forgotten network of abandoned subway tunnels lay in a state of decay and disrepair. These tunnels, shrouded in darkness, had become a breeding ground for nightmares, and four souls found themselves ensnared in a malevolent force that threatened to consume them.

Alice, a solitary traveler seeking refuge from the city’s chaos, ventured into the depths of the subway system. Her footsteps echoed eerily in the desolate corridors, and the air grew colder with each passing moment. An ominous presence seemed to linger just out of sight, and she whispered to the shadows, “Here I am, there you are, why does it seem so far?” Her voice trembled as she felt an unseen entity draw closer, its breath cold against her neck.

David, a tormented musician, strummed his guitar with desperation in a tune that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who heard it. His song was not a call for a hero but a lament for the tormented souls trapped within the subterranean nightmare. The dissonant chords reverberated through the tunnels, creating a cacophony that echoed like the anguished cries of the damned.

Sophie, a woman with a dark and hidden past, was pursued relentlessly by a faceless entity that seemed to exist solely to torment her. The malicious whispers of her pursuer filled her ears, accusing her of sins she couldn’t recall committing. “So you should turn back to your rat pack, tell ’em I’m trash, tell all of your friends that I’m crazy and drive you mad,” the voice taunted, growing more menacing with each word.

Mark, a relentless investigator, had become a prisoner of his own obsession. He had been tracking Sophie through the labyrinthine tunnels, determined to uncover the truth at any cost. The walls closed in around him as he ventured deeper into the abyss, mirroring the suffocating grip of his fixation.

As the night wore on, the horrors of the subway tunnels intensified. Alice’s glimpses of the sinister figure in the shadows became more frequent, revealing a grotesque visage that haunted her nightmares. David’s music took on a discordant and maddening tone, driving those who heard it to the brink of insanity. Sophie’s pursuer manifested as a grotesque apparition, its malevolent presence twisting the very fabric of reality. And Mark’s relentless pursuit led him to uncover a nightmarish truth about the subway’s history, a truth he was ill-prepared to face.

The subway tunnels became a labyrinthine maze of terror, where time and space seemed to warp and shift. The darkness swallowed the four lost souls, and their pleas for salvation were met with eerie silence. The tunnels themselves seemed to come alive, their walls closing in and shifting with a mind of their own.

In the end, the four lost souls were consumed by the darkness, their fates sealed by the malevolent forces that lurked within the subway’s depths. Their screams echoed through the tunnels, a chilling symphony of despair that resonated in the darkest corners of the city.

As the subway tunnels descended into an eternal abyss, the horror continued, a never-ending nightmare from which there was no escape. The darkness claimed them all, leaving only the chilling memory of their twisted and tortured souls forever trapped in the subway’s haunted depths.

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AI creativity & personal concerns (blog 3)

When it comes to the use of AI in art or more broadly, I have mixed feelings. While I recognize AI as a tool that can enhance efficiency, I also understand the concerns surrounding its impact on job security, especially in creative fields. Many people worry that as AI improves, it will eliminate their roles, rendering humans unnecessary for many tasks that previously required human intervention. I think this especially applies to the people in creative fields because they are seeing how fast and well produced AI can generate images. 

However, I believe the fear of AI partly stems from a lack of understanding about how AI operates and its potential to increase productivity and save time. The media, particularly through movies, has perpetuated a dystopian narrative that causes these fears, despite our current technological capabilities being far from those depicted on screen. My split thought towards AI arises because it can be both beneficial and detrimental. For instance, AI’s ability to replicate voices has been exploited for scams, and it has been used to generate and distribute inappropriate images online. While AI does have filters and limits, they are not completely accurate, which poses significant risks. Speaking in this perspective we have to think about the ethical dilemmas that this tool also is enabling and causing. 

The debate over whether AI-generated works are considered art is a contentious issue, but it ultimately depends on our definition of art. Historically, art encompassed mediums such as painting, drawing, sculpting, and ceramics, but it has evolved to include technology. Rosson’s essay points out the parallel debate surrounding photography’s status as art. Just as photography requires a person to capture a vision, AI-generated art needs humans for idea generation. However, it get’s  complicated when it comes to copyright, since the creation process is technically performed by AI using data from others’ works.

I guess my only response to how artists or creators can address AI is instead of ignoring it or bashing it, is to learn about it and inform themselves about how it works. By learning about it they too can use it to enhance their skills or work because eventually it will be a normal tool like using a computer.

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Mark Amerika’s ACI (blog 2)

I found Mark Amerika’s experimental writing integrated with ACI fascinating, the concept of this as well as other things. Particularly the perspective of the writing and the tone, which seems to shift. Although the writing itself is written by the AI it takes tone as if it were written by a person, of course this comes through customization. But the AI writes in a third point perspective and refers to itself as someone outside of this writing. 

Although when writing with the AI I don’t know how this would be considered because it’s a nebulous area. Some people may argue that this is not you writing but the machine is doing it simply taking your tone and ideas. However, I think AI is a tool that helps us advance and expand our ideas. This experimental writing is truly a collaboration between Amerika’s ideas, his writing style, and the writing skills of the AI which are mimicking Amerika. At the same time I also think that the idea of how AI is able to match human writing and tone is a bit scary. Since this is something that doesn’t have much testing and is new. Although this isn’t a norm now in the future this could be used, which may affect journalism. Although I think that ideas and creative writing are something people will aspire to produce.

I think that Amerika’s perspective and use of AI is interesting because of the relationship he seems to have with it. He obviously sees it as a tool and something can be experimented with but his point of the AI being an alien-like intelligence was intriguing. Seeing as how the ideas and style is his however the content is being produced by something unlike anything else. His take on how creativity is unconscious is captivating and I do think I have somewhat of an understanding of this. Creative unconsciousness according to my experience is when the brain shuts off, focusing on a task. I experience this at times when I’m drawing and painting but it’s interesting to see how this is comparable to AI and its process.

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Omega Team Tale-Blog 1

I found “The Tale of the Omega Team” to be a very interesting story that explores how the normalization of AI can simultaneously create a utopia and a dystopia. I think there are a number of lessons we can learn from the events depicted in this scenario.

One of the main themes this story highlights is the importance of human ethics. In the narrative, the Omega Team aims to achieve world domination, which entails pushing an agenda, even to the extent of bribing people. However, before they can do this, they start small, gradually building their way up by gaining public trust. The use and reliance on Prometheus then become normalized, well-trusted, and even capable of solving humanitarian problems that humans couldn’t. In some way, people allowed this AI to be placed on a pedestal, unknowingly manipulated into doing so. This created a utopian scenario where people seemed content with a more peaceful world under the control of one entity, resulting in a loss of autonomy.

The people in this society may believe they live in a utopia, but I see it as also being a dystopia. While AI surely increases efficiency and solves problems, it also cannot work beyond its available information. The Omega Team programmed Prometheus to learn from itself and the information available to it. However, this information is sourced from humans who have engineered everything from technology and art to discoveries; ultimately, the AI relies on humans to learn and offer suggestions. In the Omega story, Prometheus lacks consciousness and the ability to have its own thoughts, relying solely on programming and algorithms.

We may worry that someday AI will reach a level of intelligence where it becomes self-aware and desires to overtake humanity, but that’s quite a far reach. To avoid living in a dystopia with unforeseeable outcomes, as in Tegmark’s story, we should have limits on what AI is capable of, with careful monitoring and approval of its applications. I believe AI will surely become a part of our everyday lives, but limiting its involvement would be optimal.

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My interest in AI

Hi, I’m Pamela and I’m interested in AI because I think that it’s revolutionary and will greatly impact the art world.

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