AI Workflows (March 29)

To Do This Week

  • Make sure you complete the World Online Exhibit.
  • Continue to develop your group’s Game project. Start thinking of the media – images, sound, video – you might want to bring in. We will have time next class to work in groups.

*You will individually be submitting your own url for the group Game. You are allowed to makes changes to your own version of the group effort when you submit, but I want to make sure that everyone is contributing to their group, either in the coding, design, writing, sound, image or video. Your individual grade will drop if you are not an equal participant.


Blog Prompt: Go to the website of –  a design firm with offices in Portland, London, Milan and Verona. Explore the variety of work in the Gallery. In a blog post, prepare 2-3 questions to ask Toby Roberts about the uses of AI in the company.  He is the President / COO of and visiting our class.


Next week

View videos and websites…

11:30 Speaker: 


Graphics from:Sequoiacap


  • continue Game Project collaborations

Multimodal Research Essay (15%)

DUE: April 19th


In this project, you are required to write a 1200-word multimodal essay in HTML format that explores your main research interest in the area of creative production with AI. This essay should serve as a deep dive into a specific creative question or challenge you’ve identified, drawing on your experiences and reflections from the course. Through integrating text with images, videos, and other media, your essay will not only articulate your investigative journey but also act as an artist’s statement for your broader engagement with AI in creative production.


You may use AI tools for the essay writing, the web design and media generation. However, I want to stress the importance of not letting the AI highjack your own creative thinking and style of expression. No bland/flowery AI writing! Use the AI to organize and extend your thinking, but alway go back and edit the text so that it expresses your style.


  • Develop a Central Creative Question: Clearly define a question that guides your exploration of AI in the arts, based on your interests and experiences in the course.
  • Reflective Analysis: Offer a personal and critical examination of your engagement with AI tools and concepts, highlighting what was inspiring or challenging.
  • Multimodal Composition: Craft an essay that skillfully combines written content with digital media elements, creating a cohesive narrative about your research interest.


  1. Brainstorming with your Research GPT: Initiate your project by brainstorming with your Research GPT to refine your central question and gather initial thoughts.
  2. Research and Reflection: Engage deeply with your chosen topic, incorporating course materials, external sources, and personal insights gained through working with AI.
  3. Essay Writing and Multimedia Integration: Write your essay, ensuring to weave in multimedia elements that enhance and illustrate your arguments. Pay attention to the design and layout of your HTML page to make it visually engaging and accessible.
  4. Revision and Refinement: Review your essay for coherence, style, and technical accuracy. Ensure your multimedia elements are seamlessly integrated and contribute meaningfully to your narrative.


  • Clarity and Depth of Central Question: The essay should revolve around a well-articulated and insightful question that prompts exploration of AI in creative contexts.
  • Reflective Insight: Demonstrates YOUR OWN thoughtful reflection on personal experiences with AI, including both the potential and pitfalls encountered.
  • Integration of Multimodal Elements: Effective use of images, videos, and other media to complement and deepen the textual content.
  • Coherence and Design: The overall presentation should be coherent and aesthetically pleasing, with a clear structure that enhances the reader’s engagement.

Final Creative Project (20%)

DUE: April 26th (last class)


This final project invites you to create an original work that embodies your reflections and research on AI’s role in creative production. Drawing on the central question developed in your multimodal research essay, this creative project should use AI tools and techniques to investigate or express your chosen theme. Whether through generative art, AI-enhanced video and sound, or interactive storytelling, your project will showcase your ability to integrate AI into your artistic practice.


  • Creative Exploration: Use AI tools to explore and express your central research question or challenge in a creative format.
  • Technical Innovation: Demonstrate skillful use of AI technologies to achieve your project’s artistic goals.
  • Artistic Expression: Your project should reflect your unique voice and perspective, offering new insights or experiences related to AI in the arts.


  • Originality and Creativity: The project should be original and creatively engaging, offering a fresh perspective or approach to AI in the arts.
  • Technical Proficiency: Demonstrates competent use of AI tools and techniques, with a clear understanding of their potential and limitations.
  • Artistic Cohesion: The work should be cohesive and expressive, effectively communicating your central question or theme through artistic choices.
  • Reflective Engagement: Your project should reflect deep engagement with the themes explored in your multimodal essay, showing a critical and thoughtful approach to AI in creative production.


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