
Hi, my name is Shannon Guo, I’m a DTC student interested in code and ux design. I hope to learn more about AI because I want to see what it can do to help my learning and how I can use it to help my design work. I love visual art and I like to think about the relationship between space and people. Fashion, architecture, printing, music, dance, and film, these diverse fields inspire my creative endeavors and provide a well-rounded design perspective for my major studies. 

I’ve heard AI for a long time, but I didn’t know everything about it until my web design project practice last semester. I realized that AI tools could make my design work more efficient. I’ve been refusing to engage with AI for fear that it will diminish the ability to think as a human being, but there seems to be some misunderstanding when I approach it. So that’s another reason why I wanted to get to know it better.

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