Blog #1: What is your interest and/or goals with AI creative tools?

AI today feels like it is a big topic due to how fast it has been evolving and being incorporated into our lives. Personally, I have not really explored using AI such as CHATGPT as much as others have been, which makes me feel a little behind as I can see AI being becoming something that will be evolving even more in the future. I can see AI becoming something that will be used in jobs, especially in the career I am interested in. So, my interest with AI is to learn to use it as a tool where I can enhance my creativity and learn to use AI as an aid. I am interested to learn just how much AI can help me develop new ideas and how it becomes personalized to what I’m asking for assistance on. 

A primary goal of mine is to know the language to use with AI. How do you talk to AI so it can understand the point you are trying to get across or how you want a conversation to move towards? How do I utilize AI in a way where AI is assisting me, and how does it impact my creativity or originality? How does the balance between an artist and AI come into play? 

AI is becoming a tool for many in different career fields, and I am really interested in learning how to utilize AI in ways where it helps my work progress faster. For example, I am interested in graphic design, so I utilize adobe illustrator a lot and recent updates incorporated an AI generator in the program. With this update it has been interesting to see how this tool has been influencing the work of creators as they use the program. For example, you could be able to generate graphic elements as you work and either utilize or discard them, so it is interesting to see how AI features like these can help designers with their work progress and how it can be used where designing could potentially be less time consuming but influence the creativity of a designer. Another side to the addition of AI I have seen have a significant impact is with photoshop. Now in photoshop you can use AI to easily remove or add something which would take a good amount of time to now be done in minutes. I saw this become a big topic especially with photographers where AI can have a heavy influence with their line of work which could be interpreted in a good or bad way; one where AI is overtaking your job or the other where AI is potentially helping you speed up your work and be a tool as an assistant. These are some of the topics I am interested in learning about and exploring through with AI.


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