The Omega’s Mega AI

The tale of the Omegas’ Prometheus is a cautionary one. Though introduced off the dome as ambitious, idealistic, and posessing a
strong commitment to helping humanity, they ended up far from perfect.

It could have been much worse, but a one power takeover is never good. For starters, they trained it and raised it up through imperfect ways. A main problem with their strategy was having it bloat its own content. Things like having it w rite its own reviews stand out as a problem.

Not only that, but (jumping to the end here) nobody wants a world that is safe, controlled, and tame. By embracing the ‘perfect’ (as labeled by a computer), nothing interesting can be allowed to flourish. Checks and balances are in place for a reason. If one system is in place for everything, human innovation dies.

Though Prometheus was powerful, undoubtedly, it went for too much. Stretched itself thin, in a way. I belive that AI is best used as a tool, in one lane at a time. By creating media, rigging political systems, and pushing an agenda all at the same time, it created a scary revolution all at the same time.

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