The Tale of the Omega Team

The reading “The Tale of the Omega Team” was an interesting piece as it explored the progress of an AI like Prometheus taking over the earth by slowly building trust within the public eye up until where it began pushing an agenda towards people leading towards its world domination.

I think what went wrong in this scenario was the lack of human interference and just how much the designers of Prometheus kept pushing the agenda of making money and creating successful outcomes with Prometheus. For example, the discussion on how Prometheus learned to make its own films and write its own reviews was all solely due to Prometheus understanding what success looked like on a film, really was just the beginning of showing just how much Prometheus lacked consciousness and in general just relied on its programmed algorithms. This progressed to a bigger issue for Prometheus as it began to manipulate people which became normalized as its capabilities had expanded and were now so far beyond humanity that it was just viewed as revolutionary by its designer.

I think that what we need to do to avoid undesirable outcomes and living in a dystopian world is to keep certain limitations of AI. Having constant monitorization of AI that is human so that way an AI like Prometheus is not unfolding expeditiously without the public being aware of it. If the public is aware of just how much an AI such as Prometheus is controlling the government and manipulating the public into certain political views, how much would the public trust an AI like Prometheus? I think just having constant monitorization of the AI and careful approval of its impact and its limitations is the basic essential in order to avoid outcomes like the one in the tale of the omega team and have a basic control over our humanity and values.


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