Writing Assignment #1.2 – Research Statement – Vincent Lam

I have not always found the idea of artificial intelligence to be interesting, but as AI technology develops and grows, I find that I am drawn more to it. I was exposed to the concept of AI at an early age. When I was a kid, I often spent my time watching all of the movies in my grandmother’s VHS collection, its why I love movies and stories so much. My favorite movie was Termination 2: Judgement Day which in my mind is an instant classic about an artificial intelligence sending killer robots back in time. I am drawn towards AI technology because of its potential like the T-800 from judgment day. Will AI take over and enslave the human race? Or will it be our hero that saves us from ourselves? Perhaps maybe it will just be a helpful friend.

With AI I am interested in its ability to create images and art along with its capacity to write and produce stories.

I am interested in movies, comics, books, and video games. All of which are devices of storytelling. With ChatGPT’s recommendation it has proposed some Ai tools that can help me with my interest.

1. Content Generation

  • Movie Scripts and Plot Ideas: Develop a GPT that generates movie scripts or plot ideas based on genres, themes, or even simple prompts provided by users.
  • Book and Comic Writing Assistant: Create a model that helps writers by generating story ideas, character descriptions, dialogues, or even full chapters based on the input themes or storylines.
  • Video Game Storylines: Build a GPT model that specializes in creating complex storylines, quests, and character backstories for video games

2. Analysis and Recommendations

  • Movie Recommendation System: Develop a GPT that can recommend movies based on a user’s past preferences, mood, or even a short description of the kind of movie they want to watch.
  • Literary Analysis: Create a model that provides analysis on books and comics, including themes, character development, and stylistic elements.
  • Video Game Review and Recommendation: Build a GPT that can review video games based on gameplay, story, graphics, and other criteria or recommend games based on a user’s interests and past favorites.

3. Interactive Entertainment

  • Interactive Stories and Adventures: Use GPT to create interactive stories or text-based games where users can choose their own adventure, particularly in genres common to movies, books, comics, and video games.
  • Role-playing Game (RPG) Assistants: Develop a model that serves as a dungeon master for RPGs, generating scenarios, characters, and plot twists on the fly.

I am still not sure what I want to do for my final project. An idea I have been juggling in my mind is to create music video or comics based on songs that I like. I have experimented with creating storyboards based on lyrics from songs with the help of ChatGPT which have been successful. Then I have tried making comic panels based on those story boards with ChatGPT, which have been less successful.

Personally, so far my experience with AI has been very interesting. I have seen the wonderful things AI can do and create, but I have also seen its limitations and errors. I feel that a lot of people have hate for AI tools but I feel that if they are used in the correct way it can open more opportunities.

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