Why AI?

What I’m curious about:

I’ve been thinking about AI for a while and have been playing with various tools to some degree for about a year. What drives my curiosity is the varying interpretations of, for instance, an identical prompt with a given tool. Also, the complexity versus simplicity aspect of prompting when driving toward my desired results. Gaining control over content results is an ongoing theme and results definitely vary.

I’m sure I will learn many things here with you all. I will continue to explore prompting techniques and perhaps through that gain more skill with these generative tools. That is a goal. Others are honing workflow processes for content creation in visual narratives, fiction and nonfiction writing, and exploring coding knowledge that will help me create the digital content I can visualize but not yet realize.

At the center of my curiosity driven learning process are two things:

  1. Gaining new perspectives from other people
  2. Learning enough about something to be able to ask better questions, the questions that will reveal answers I’m looking for and teach questions I haven’t learned to ask yet.

I’m excited to be here. I also have the errant idea that this could be a gateway to creating a personal AI assistant of my own design. Perhaps the research project GPT will be the springboard for that adventure. I’m more than casually curious about what’s inside the black boxes; how do they work and how can I use them?

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