WK4: Writing Exercise #2 – Revise, Rewrite, Remix, Repeat

Short fiction, poem or script (Writing Exercise #2 – 5%)
Use some of the generative techniques from class to start a work of creative writing. Ask ChatGPT to contribute. Improvise. Revise. Rewrite. Remix. Repeat. Push the text beyond the blandness of the AI outputs until it meets your own creative standards for a fiction, poem or script.

In the heart of the forest, green and grand,
A little crab scuttled across the land.
On a mission it was, beneath the sky’s vast dome,
To find the forest’s heart, its mystical home.

Beneath towering trees and whispering leaves,
It journeyed through shadows, as light took its leave.
Past brooks where deer silently sip their fill,
Towards a destiny, it felt a pull, a thrill.

With a shell like a shield and small claws so keen,
It ventured where few had ever been.
Through tangled vines and mossy stones,
It sought for secrets, for ancient bones.

At last, by the oak so ancient and tall,
Where time seemed to pause, to halt its crawl,
The crab found the treasure, as legends foretold,
A guardian of light, in the darkness bold.

A pearl glowing softly, with the moon’s embrace,
Shedding peace and wonder on the forest’s face.
The crab, now the keeper of this light so divine,
Fulfilled its mission, by fate’s design.

In the forest’s heart, where tales entwine,
The crab stood watch, by the oak’s ancient line.
A story of courage, under the canopy’s lace,
In the enchanted woods, it found its place.

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