Mark Amerika’s ACI (blog 2)

I found Mark Amerika’s experimental writing integrated with ACI fascinating, the concept of this as well as other things. Particularly the perspective of the writing and the tone, which seems to shift. Although the writing itself is written by the AI it takes tone as if it were written by a person, of course this comes through customization. But the AI writes in a third point perspective and refers to itself as someone outside of this writing. 

Although when writing with the AI I don’t know how this would be considered because it’s a nebulous area. Some people may argue that this is not you writing but the machine is doing it simply taking your tone and ideas. However, I think AI is a tool that helps us advance and expand our ideas. This experimental writing is truly a collaboration between Amerika’s ideas, his writing style, and the writing skills of the AI which are mimicking Amerika. At the same time I also think that the idea of how AI is able to match human writing and tone is a bit scary. Since this is something that doesn’t have much testing and is new. Although this isn’t a norm now in the future this could be used, which may affect journalism. Although I think that ideas and creative writing are something people will aspire to produce.

I think that Amerika’s perspective and use of AI is interesting because of the relationship he seems to have with it. He obviously sees it as a tool and something can be experimented with but his point of the AI being an alien-like intelligence was intriguing. Seeing as how the ideas and style is his however the content is being produced by something unlike anything else. His take on how creativity is unconscious is captivating and I do think I have somewhat of an understanding of this. Creative unconsciousness according to my experience is when the brain shuts off, focusing on a task. I experience this at times when I’m drawing and painting but it’s interesting to see how this is comparable to AI and its process.

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