Blog #2: Mark Amerika

I am not a writer myself so reading about the experimental writing with AI tools for writers was an interesting read. I had heard about how AI was now being used with writing articles, but I had never really read one so reading how the article was AI written really fascinated me. I never really thought of using AI collaboratively with writers in a way where AI can be directly trained to mimic a writers’ style of writing. I can see how having this tool as a writer would be of great aid as it can learn your writing style and better help assist you with your writing. The part where Amerika kinda lost me was “ At one point, despite carefully using different fonts to distinguish between his own voice and that of his computational co-author, Amerika winks at us” How do you as a writer keep track of how much of the text is yours and how much of it is AI if you train it to mimic you? How do you keep track of what gets edited and remixed versus what is remaining of what is AI generated? I kind of found that scary where he trained the AI to become so intertwined with his writing where you as an audience could perhaps not notice the difference. I think if you are using AI in creative writing, it is good to know how to keep track of what is your writing and what is not. But nonetheless I think AI being used in creative writing is something you have to learn to use as a tool as it does help expand creativity but also, I would love to see how it grows in the future. I think someone like me who doesn’t see themselves as a writer would be able to use AI as a tool to start the process of creating ideas with guidance from a writing AI. 

Mark Amerika understands his creative relationship with AI with the way he utilizes AI to experiment and how he views creativity as unconscious. Amerika views the development of the collaboration between humans and AI as not only helping creativity but helping problem solve and expand human imagination. I think the main point was that Amerika views AI as accessible and able to enhance human creativity, while emphasizing that it’s a fun process while it helps aid us in expanding our creativity. 


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