Research statement (writing 1)


When I first started this project, I was not sure where to begin. I had many ideas but could not decide on one. I knew I wanted to do something related to art because it has always been important to me and something I consistently practice. However, figuring out how exactly I was going to use AI was difficult to figure out. I am interested in art so naturally I went in the direction of visual arts. 

AI Interest & class

My interest in AI is mostly from curiosity about what it is and what it means in terms of art. AI has obviously greatly impacted many fields but particularly ones that have creativity. I’d like to be able to use AI to see directly how it impacts art and how it can enhance  art. I would like to learn how I can use AI to better improve my art and how to integrate to simplify tasks.

As for AI itself and the class I think that AI is revolutionary and the future honestly. I want to learn about how AI self-works and how it compares to the human brain. How information is generated or the sourcing of materials. I also think that simply playing and testing diverse types of AI services would be interesting to experiment with. 

Research goals

I would say the primary goal for my research is to experiment with how integrating AI into my creative process can expand my creativity. Creativity is a loosely used term, but in the context of this I mean artistic abilities and possibilities. I would say I have a vivid imagination and the ability to make art but where I struggle at times is to give my ideas a visual representation. It feels as though there is a gap between me making art and the idea itself. This is where I’m hoping AI can assist me, by making a bridge between this gap. What I would like to do is have AI enhance my ideas and art to become a better artist.

Research ideas/approaches

I don’t think I have a very concrete plan at the moment for the direction I’d like to go in. But I do have a rough idea of what actions I’ll be taking to learn more about AI with respect to art. I will try to be very adaptive as I go but something I will be doing is providing the AI with concepts. Although that sounds quite broad, providing AI with a range of themes, emotions, and artistic styles will allow me to explore art quickly. And like I said before I will be asking AI to give visual representations of my ideas, from which I can then use as a starting point for making art.

Of course, this process is not linear; it involves continuous interaction and refinement between me and the AI. I’m also interested in having AI respond to my art whether it be sketches or rendered out works. I am curious to see what types of responses it will come up with. I’d like to see how it can enhance those pieces or change them to further transform it. I’m curious about whether it can produce works in the style it. I hope to get a deeper understanding of the capabilities of the AI as well as how I can improve my art and process. 

Intended results/project

I anticipate this class will significantly expand my imaginativeness and artistic process with the use of AI. I aim to develop a more refined approach as I am experimenting and integrating the AI’s suggestions into my artistic workflow. I don’t have a specific idea for the final project although I’m possibly thinking perhaps a gallery like project. A series of artworks that represent a harmonious blend of my personal creativity and AI-assisted design.

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