Blog #3 AI in the Visual Arts

Discuss your personal concerns about AI in the visual arts and in visual culture in general. 


My biggest personal concern when it comes to AI in the visual arts and visual culture would be that there are no ethics that are in place for AI generated art. Due to no ethics in place for AI, AI does not have to credit where they pulled references for the images it creates and will openly break copyright laws in certain situations. This is a concern for me because I am becoming more interested in AI generated art, as the process is a fun way to be creative and allows me to express my ideas and thoughts. However, I do not feel good being an accomplice to AI in breaking copyright laws. I believe it will take a big lawsuit to put ethical laws in place and due to a lot of the deepfake AI images and videos coming out more and more, especially the provocative ones, it will push for laws to be put in place.


What can artists/creators do with AI tools to address or respond to these personal and collective concerns about machine creativity?


I am not sure that artists and creators can do much to address some of the problems that revolve around machine creativity. Just like the camera, AI is a technology that will continue to be used regardless of popular opinion. AI will be abused by some artists, while being used as a tool by most, and the ability to use it as a tool will set artists apart. Like the camera, anyone can take a picture, but it doesn’t mean it will be a good photo. It takes a creative eye to take a good photo, just like it takes a creative mind to create a good image, with or without AI. What I think will happen is that AI companies will continue to be brought into court until laws are set in place to combat the concerns that revolve around generated art. It will take a community of artists and art lovers to encourage laws to be put in place. Until then AI generative images will continue being the wild west of the art community.

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