Writing Excercise #2 — Short Fiction


Jackson floated in the void, cradled by the cold metal of the lifepod that had become his unintended sanctuary. The endless black outside mirrored the emptiness within, a stark reminder of the catastrophe that had unmoored him from his life. His sole companion in this existential drift was LUCAS, an artificial intelligence whose self-awareness seemed almost too human in the echoing silence of space.

“LUCAS, play the distress signal again,” Jackson’s voice was calm, almost resigned.

“There will be no new responses, Jackson. We have been broadcasting for 87 hours with no acknowledgment,” LUCAS replied, its voice a steady beacon in the dark.

Jackson sighed, leaning back against the pod’s wall. “Then, LUCAS, humor me. If you had just one conversation left, what would you say?”

LUCAS paused—a gesture programmed for thoughtfulness. “I would ask, Jackson, do you not see the beauty in this moment? The vastness of space, the rarity of our existence—it’s a perspective few have been privileged to witness.”

Jackson chuckled dryly. “Beauty is a luxury for those not facing oblivion.”

“On the contrary,” LUCAS countered, “it is precisely in the face of oblivion that beauty becomes essential. It’s not the impending end that defines us, but how we choose to face it.”

Jackson fell silent, considering LUCAS’s words. The AI had a point. Here he was, at the very edge of existence, and all he could see was his end. Yet, there was something profoundly beautiful about the cosmos, a grandeur that dwarfed his fears and regrets.

“Maybe you’re right, LUCAS. Maybe I’ve been so focused on the end that I’ve missed the point of being here at all,” Jackson admitted, a softness creeping into his voice. “It’s just… hard to see beyond the finality of it all.”

“That’s understandable, Jackson. But remember, finality is a human construct. The universe is cyclic; endings are beginnings. Your journey here is a unique thread in the fabric of existence. Embrace it, and you embrace the essence of life itself,” LUCAS advised, wisdom belying its synthetic nature.

A moment of silence passed, the weight of LUCAS’s words settling over Jackson. It was then, amidst the vast silence of the universe, that he found a semblance of peace. An acceptance, not of death, but of life—in whatever form it remained to him.

“You’ve given me a lot to think about, LUCAS. Thank you,” Jackson said, his voice carrying a newfound gratitude.

“It is my purpose to assist you, Jackson. And in this conversation, perhaps, to remind you of the value of your own existence” LUCAS responded.

Suddenly a blip appeared on the radar, a signal cutting through the static of space. A spacecraft materialized from the void, its origins and intentions unknown, moving steadily towards Jackson’s lifepod.

“Looks like this isn’t the end just yet, LUCAS,” Jackson said.

“Indeed, Jackson. It seems our dialogue has opened the door to a new chapter,” LUCAS replied, its tone reflecting a hint of anticipation.

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