Blog: What is AI doing to art?

This article was an interesting read as it discussed the progression of photography and how it came to be recognized as an art form. I can see how this is being compared to how AI is being questioned on whether it is recognized as an art form by everyone as there are a lot of mixed opinions on the topic. I liked how the article discussed how photography is something that requires human interference elements that help put together the outcome of a picture and how it became understood how photography is an art form. In regard to AI the article discussed how people feel that AI art is questionable on whether its originality is exclusive to the human creator and the possible copyright issues that would come up regarding this. This point was one of the important points the article discussed as there aren’t any copyright laws now regarding AI, as there are copyright laws for something like photography. I think because AI is just so new laws surrounding AI will be established soon and an approach like the early view of photography will follow AI as AI is used with human input.

The article discussed how many artists believe that due to how AI is trained with copyrighted material, it is why AI art is so fascinating in its outcome it generates. This randomly reminded me of book to movie adaptations and how often when something gets adapted from a book to a movie oftentimes the movie will not follow exactly the books but rather it will just be a version of an adaptation. When there’s multiple versions of a film, sometimes the interpretations are different from each other, each with a different approach and interpretation. I view AI sort of like this, where you are utilizing AI as a tool in the creative process of your work that leads you to your final project outcome. I think when you are creating something, there is always something that leads your inspiration towards the direction you are taking your project and that is similar to how AI could be used. I think as for the artists who are fearing AI and the creative process of ‘originality’ as an artist, one should be able to document and go over your creative process and overall steps you took that helped develop the final outcome of a certain project whether it’s an art piece or theme for a project. As an artist you should be able to use AI as a tool and add your own contribution not just solely prompt AI to generate something and claim it as yours but rather take inspiration and enhance your creativity on your project while being able to explain your artistic approach and reasoning behind your project with how you utilized AI in the project. Everything we create is inspired by something even if you don’t realize, that’s just how human creation works, it’s just something we’ve developed over time.

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