Fictional AI World Prompt for a GPT (Week 3)

In this post, I will be creating a prompt for a fictional AI World and then show the end result. Here is what I wrote to generate my fictional world using Chat GPT 4.0:

It is the first day of 2100. It is somewhere near the beaches of California. The weather for this environment is sunny, but not too hot. It is around 80°.

Within view are the trees that are all tropical such as palm trees. There are no roads. The roads have all been replaced with sidewalks by this time. There are plenty of trees that take up space. Many mountains are found in the background.

Diverse cuisines from all around the planet exist here, such as East Asian, Mexican, Italian. Local cuisines exist while chain restaurants are rare. Some food is free to the public. Fruit trees grow everywhere. One of the biggest cultural practices is that this society has a deep connection with nature. There is more of an appreciation for art. Lastly, cats are often found everywhere as they are the most common pets in this city.

Unsustainable social processes are put to an end such as the use of oil. electricity replaces it. The greatest resources in this city are renewable energy and gold. There are no homeless issue due to universal basic income and houses constructed for the displaced.

This is a spiritual and non-religious society. This society believes in compassion and are less individualistic. Science is taken more seriously so it triumphs over all faith. Public Schools for children are well funded. Every meal in school is funded through taxes. Colleges and universities are free to the public.

AI controlled automatons tasked with most of the menial labor. AI is used for role-playing in video games and using as companions, the substitute, the lack of real players. Holograms projections become very common. There are also self driving buses powered by AI.

In this world, everyone’s needs are met. Nobody needs to work. They use AI to do all the work for them while humans work on their aspirations. Humans can also have personalized AI companions. Nature and technology are able to coexist better.

Here is the result of my prompt. It didn’t work exactly the way I wanted it but it was somewhat close. I am happy that I got to create an image that resembled my fictional AI world idea.

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