Summary of AI Animation

Within my AI animation, the setting takes place in California in the year 2100 where AI automatons assist in most facets of life. On the streets, an automaton named Athena sees a man with his physical AI companion and the man named Felix who is clearly wealthy begins to verbally abuse Icarus. Icarus collapses after the heavy weight of some groceries, and while Felix is disparaging him, he begins to kick his robot on the ground. Random AI automatons staring in the background with a blank look on their face, but their eyes show they are in horror. As Felix is about to start punching Icarus, Athena steps in by blocking his fist, and pushing him with that hand alone. Felix frowns, shrugs and gives up as he picks up the grocery bags and leaves. Athena gives Iris a hand and expresses that “as long as automatons stick together, they will never be broken.”

The visual style should be vibrant with deep colors that heavily includes nature. There should be sounds for kicking, falling, and impact SFX on a human hand. The music should be dark but then a hint of inspiration and hope in the end. In its entirety, the music should be cinematic. The voices for the characters should sound middle aged for Felix, Athena should sound strong and Icarus will have a voice that is masculine but low energy.

Visual Narratives from a Fictional World (Week 4)

In my process of creating my own story in the world I have created last week, it was a complicated process. It was difficult making sure all the details added up for what I was going for. My plan for this story was that I wanted a man to attempt to return his AI automaton. Since this was made in the world of a utopia, I had to find a way to cause conflict between two characters. It also had to relate to AI. So I created a story of an old man named Lucas being stuck in his ways and not realizing that AI is not meant to replace him but to help him live his life.

Here are some of the challenges I had maintaining consistency. One of my issues was that I had to keep on regenerating images for the storyboards until I got the image that matched up with what I had imagined in my head as best as I could. My other challenge was that I had to retrieve certain bits of information used in previous storyboards so that the next one lines up and looks consistent like making sure this image still takes place on a street and will the cane appear or not. I tried using the IMAX film format on my storyboard but the AI told me that DALL-E cannot replicate this style so I just chose to make my images 1920×1080. The GPT still had issues being accurate with that resolution. My last challenge was that I now had to write the GPT to never include a cane for Lucas because he keeps being generated with one.

Now I will explain how I used the AI tools to generate and refine my world and its visual representation. When I am not using close up’s, medium or long shots, I also used over-the-shoulder and Bird’s Eye view. These are definitely difficult for Chat GPT to understand since it didn’t do exactly what I asked it to.

Here is where you can find the presentation.

Byte and Banjo’s “Circuitry and Strings: Tales from Terraformed Frontiers”


Embark on a sonic journey through time and space with Byte & Banjo’s groundbreaking album, “Circuitry & Strings: Tales from Terraformed Frontiers.” In this electro-country odyssey, the band seamlessly merges 19th-century country melodies with 2020’s electronic beats, crafting a unique sound that transcends both past and future.


  1. Red Planet Rumble
  2. Timeless Odyssey
  3. Fishbowl Serenade
  4. Ghostly Hoedown
  5. Cybernetic Sorrow
  6. Neon Bushido
  7. Rustic Resonance
  8. Echoes of Eternity
  9. Binary Ballad
  10. Galactic Lament

Visual Art Series (Week 3)

Here are the images

For this blog post, I will share a presentation showing images I generated using the many themes I was given to use. These themes helped me create my ideas through a series of images found in my presentation.

My first theme I went with was abstraction. I am not usually passionate or exposed to abstract art, so I asked ChatGPT to make something that I consider somewhat interesting, such as creating the idea of dread and the fear of the unknown.

Creating surrealistic Imagery was fun. I wanted to mix some realism with some fantasy in my generated work. I wanted to toy with the idea of a piece of land that was still considered natural except it was turned into something human or fleshy. Also, I am passionate about space and it’s strange nature so I wanted to take that a bit further and create floating platforms to make make this generated image look more alien.

This time I was going to create something photo-realistic. I remembered that I am into making realistic creatures. I wanted to see if I could make an image reminiscent of my animation, “The Apex Dragon” where a couple of Komodo dragons and a Draco Lizard are stalking the scorpion.

Here for my New Species Creation, I went with something that I would be interested in and an idea that I wanted to finally see. It is not exactly what I wanted it to be but it still looks great. There shouldn’t be a tail and the head is not supposed to look like it came from the movie “Alien” and it is missing a second pair of arms. The stripes look really good and the overall design is pretty accurate all things considered.

For my Sketch to Image, I didn’t want to do it at first, but then I realized that I don’t know how to do poetic prompts very well. I didn’t understand if if I should make my own poem or find a poem off the Internet or even just make a poem from ChatGPT. Either way, I decided that I was going to go for sketch to image and I’m very happy I did. I learned that I can get my images more accurate if I draw them first and then give the ChatGPT something to go off of, so I went with something simple, such as a blank room. I didn’t want it to be completely dark and gloomy so I made the outside pretty vibrant. I will be using this method again.

Here is where you can find the presentation.

Fictional AI World Prompt for a GPT (Week 3)

In this post, I will be creating a prompt for a fictional AI World and then show the end result. Here is what I wrote to generate my fictional world using Chat GPT 4.0:

It is the first day of 2100. It is somewhere near the beaches of California. The weather for this environment is sunny, but not too hot. It is around 80°.

Within view are the trees that are all tropical such as palm trees. There are no roads. The roads have all been replaced with sidewalks by this time. There are plenty of trees that take up space. Many mountains are found in the background.

Diverse cuisines from all around the planet exist here, such as East Asian, Mexican, Italian. Local cuisines exist while chain restaurants are rare. Some food is free to the public. Fruit trees grow everywhere. One of the biggest cultural practices is that this society has a deep connection with nature. There is more of an appreciation for art. Lastly, cats are often found everywhere as they are the most common pets in this city.

Unsustainable social processes are put to an end such as the use of oil. electricity replaces it. The greatest resources in this city are renewable energy and gold. There are no homeless issue due to universal basic income and houses constructed for the displaced.

This is a spiritual and non-religious society. This society believes in compassion and are less individualistic. Science is taken more seriously so it triumphs over all faith. Public Schools for children are well funded. Every meal in school is funded through taxes. Colleges and universities are free to the public.

AI controlled automatons tasked with most of the menial labor. AI is used for role-playing in video games and using as companions, the substitute, the lack of real players. Holograms projections become very common. There are also self driving buses powered by AI.

In this world, everyone’s needs are met. Nobody needs to work. They use AI to do all the work for them while humans work on their aspirations. Humans can also have personalized AI companions. Nature and technology are able to coexist better.

Here is the result of my prompt. It didn’t work exactly the way I wanted it but it was somewhat close. I am happy that I got to create an image that resembled my fictional AI world idea.

Short fictional poem (Writing Exercise #2) – Andrew Truax

For this week, I must generate a poem using ChatGPT 4.0. In some form, I didn’t get the results I was looking for. My idea was to create a short, fictional poem of a noble man who is trying to appeal to a conflicted man’s good side, persuading him that humanity is worth saving. This was my way of creating a poem that wasn’t going to be so bland and instead have something interesting to read.

At first, I was going to go with using the N +7 constraint, but it didn’t end up the way I was asking it to be. ChatGPT just gave me a warning that the output would be nonsensical and then would give me a boring result. I gave up on that and decided to go with something different.

I went with a lipogram poem where I would exclude a letter, such as “E” from the poem. I could tell that ChatGPT was trying hard to make this work, but in the end, it still ended up not doing what I had hoped. I even asked it to regenerate its text, and the result was very similar, though it did try to minimize the amount of e’s within the poem.

That didn’t work so I tried removing “D” and it still had issues performing that task. It was still not resulting in the way I had asked it to. I was beginning to realize that I could not make this work. It is time that I show what ChatGPT gave me. Here is the final result of my exploration:

In shadows, lost, a soul in plight,

His heart consumed by darkest night.

With fury strong, his thoughts ignite,

A vengeful path, an endless fight.


But look beyond this bitter fray,

And find a way, a brighter day.

In each of us, a light can sway,

A spark of hope, come what may.


In noble hearts, let’s take this stand,

With outstretched arms, we’ll lend a hand.

For in humanity, a worth so grand,

To save our world, a sacred land.

Research Statement (Writing Exercise #1) – Andrew Truax

In my efforts to become a professional 3D modeler, I often look for inspiration or references so that I can maintain the momentum of being a creator and build my portfolio. There will be times when I need help so that I don’t slow down my process. To maintain my speed and save time, I looked for ways to help inspire me.

I took the opportunity of using Chat GPT to help fuel my ambition. I began working on my own custom GPT, but I couldn’t decide on what I needed it to do, exactly. My first GPT helped me give ideas based on a genre or subject I would propose. I called it the “Concept Inspiration Crafter.” It certainly had a use but I’m unsure if this is what I needed for the time being. After I discovered that Chat GPT 4.0 uses DALL-E to create images (or remix pre-existing photos), I finally realized what I must do. Now the sky is the limit! I can put together whatever is going on in my mind using this new GPT. I call this new GPT the “Concept Image Creator.”

There are some behaviors I had made for it or retain. I wanted it to maintain a professional yet welcoming and friendly tone. Not only that but avoid copyrighted material. Lastly, the GPT will ask questions for clarification if it must.

When the behaviors were finally implemented, I suddenly had an idea to create something I had in the back of my mind for a while. The idea I had was to create a warrior with futuristic military armor, but that warrior was a dragon with a humanoid shape much like what you would see in DND called a dragonborn. I had never seen someone draw that before and I really wanted to see that happen.

Created by Chat GPT, not myself.

After I created my first one, it looked amazing, but I wanted to see if I could adjust it a little bit. I was curious if changing the colors would satisfy me. When I did ask the Concept Image Creator to change the colors to tan and red, it changed the subject to be tan and red as well as his armor and turned him into a totally different dragon. He’s tougher and lacks wings and the armor is different but still retains the same art style.

Created by Chat GPT, not myself.

This is almost exactly what I was looking for despite this GPT not having a whole lot of instructions to go from! These images were created, almost instantaneously. And while these images looked amazing, I would never frame these on my wall, partly because of its robotic and lifeless feel. it was clearly not made by another human but put together by an unconscious entity. I cannot claim these as my own as I didn’t create this.

Let me just say that I do not plan on using any of these images other than for inspiration and maybe as references within my work, but it will never be a rough draft or a final.

This piece of software is truly groundbreaking, this GPT will go far and wide to help me and inspire me. I am supremely thankful to live in a time where there is AI and that I got introduced to this so early. I don’t know how I’ll be able to go back after this. From my standpoint as a 3D modeler, this will become very helpful. however, This GPT role is to assist me and not to create for me.